My question is : How do I find all the running processes that end with "sh". I know that "ps aux" lists all the processes that are running and also "grep" prints a specific named process which is written inside " ". I know I have to combine the command "ps aux" and also "grep" with a wildcard.
My solution is ps aux | grep "*sh" but it does not run properly. How could it be solved?
CodePudding user response:
Try: ps aux | grep "sh$"
The "$" sign is regular expression that is used for pattern match at the end of the line. In this case, the pattern is "sh" so we used "sh$"
CodePudding user response:
Suggesting to use pgrep
command. See here.
pgrep -f "sh$"
Will return list of pid
pgrep -af "sh$"
Will return list of pid
s and command