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Can't change Column to array - int64


I have a CSV dataset with 2 columns that looks like the following:

Date Open
25/2/21 7541.85
26/2/21 7562.32
27/2/21 7521.65
28/2/21 7509.14

Data columns (total 2 columns):

# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
0 Open 1280 non-null object
1 Date 1280 non-null datetime64[ns]

dtypes: datetime64ns, object(1)

When trying to pass this through a timeseries model I get the following error:

ftse_open = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(ftse_open, time_col='Date', value_cols='Open')

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '7,541.85'

Then I try a different route using the following code:

ftse_open["Open"] = ftse_open["Open"].astype('Int64')


TypeError: object cannot be converted to an IntegerDtype

I have tried more code to resolve but I'm not sure why there seems to be no solution that I can find.

(There are no NAs in the dataset - I have checked).

Any help is appreciated, thank you.

CodePudding user response:

Based on comments, you can try:

df["Open"] = df["Open"].str.replace(",", "").astype(float)


      Date     Open
0  25/2/21  7541.85
1  26/2/21  7562.32
2  27/2/21  7521.65
3  28/2/21  7509.14

df used:

      Date      Open
0  25/2/21  7,541.85
1  26/2/21  7,562.32
2  27/2/21  7,521.65
3  28/2/21  7,509.14
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