Is it even possible to pass a value in ggplot?
It is possible in a console using cat
v <- 8
ggplot(df, aes(x = Category, y = Fold_Change, color = Category))
labs(y= "RNA expression", x = cat("p-value = 0.08831", v) )
but what about graph?
CodePudding user response:
Use sprintf instead of cat, for example:
x = sprintf("%s %f %d", "p-value = ", 0.08831, v) )
I don't see any geom phrase in your example. I put some bogus data into a data.frame and used geom_point() to produce a plot for this example.
v <- 8
ggplot(df, aes(x = Category, y = Fold_Change, color = Category))
labs(y= "RNA expression", x = sprintf("%s %f %d", "p-value = ", 0.08831, v) )