I tested Spring Security as part of my Spring Boot Setup in version 6.0-M5, 6.0-RC1 and 6.0-RC2. I recognized a behavior change and wanted to ask whether this may be a bug. I return the CSRF token as a serialized JSON, but since RC1 the content of the token in the JSON is garbage.
My working code in Spring Boot 6 Milestone 5 still working as expected.
public class CsrfController {
public CsrfToken csrf(CsrfToken token) {
return token;
In my use case I query the controller using a unit test.
int serverPort;
private TestRestTemplate webclient;
public void getCsrf() {
ResponseEntity<String> entity = webclient.getForEntity("http://localhost:" serverPort
"/rest/user/csrf", String.class);
// ... here some code to get the token from the JSON body ...
assertTrue(result.matches("^[a-f0-9\\-] $"));
This is the first query of the server. A session object between client and server is not established in past queries. This worked in M5 but stopped working in Spring Boot 6 RC1 and RC2
The following controller code made it work again in RC2:
public CsrfToken csrf(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
CsrfToken repoToken = tokenRepo.loadToken(request);
if (repoToken != null) {
return repoToken;
// required because it is required but ay not be initialized by the tokenRepo
repoToken = tokenRepo.generateToken(request);
tokenRepo.saveToken(repoToken, request, response);
return repoToken;
If I tried the old code in RC2, I received on client side a malformed string. I did not receive a UUID styled token in my JSON serialized response body. I think it is related to the uninitialized session object.
Is this a bug or is an uninitialized session and a resulting not working CrsfToken specified behavior?
CodePudding user response:
I think the issue is in the way I try to get and use the XSFR token.
Because I want to use an Angular frontend, I configured my token repository to provide the tokens via Cookie.
This produces cookies the old UUID style. However the authentication expects the new tokens as generated by https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/11960 . Probably the cookie mechanism still needs to be migrated until final Spring Boot 3.0.