Home > Back-end >  Best way to pass multiple conditions in pandas between dataframes
Best way to pass multiple conditions in pandas between dataframes


I have a model I am building and in the test version I am stuck on how to pass multiple conditions to generate a new dataframe from existing ones. I currently have an inefficient function that loops through my dataframes one for each period (1-5) and one for each date in the dataset.

I have created a subset of the data for illustration of my problem so that it is a little less clunky to understand my problem based on feedback from previous users. In my actual dataset I have multiple IDs, periods 1-48 and many more dates.

I am trying to pass through conditions between three dataframes to generate a new one that will later be fed into a new part of my model. I have the completed model in excel but now translating it in pandas. In excel the solution is using nested IF statements with sums.

What I am trying to do is apply to following conditions to my below dataframes:

    For every settlement period (1-10) on each row I need to assess the following conditions:
        if the cumulative sum (from dataframe 2) is < value x in dataframe 3 (fossil)
        if the cumulative sum (from dataframe 2)   the relating value from dataframe one is > value x in dataframe 3 (fossil)
        THEN: value x in dataframe 3 - the cumulative sum value (from dataframe 2) 
        otherwise: value from dataframe 1



Index BM Unit ID Technology Rank Gas_Quantile Coal_Quantile 1 2 3 4 5
0 ID 1 Gas 1 0 130.4332 130.932 130.78 130.58 130.568
1 ID 2 Gas 2 0 339.45 342.325 322.525 312.4 303.775
2 ID 3 Gas 3 1 363.312 386.712 364.464 363.312 363.312
3 ID 4 Coal 4 0 334.4 419.5 436.7 441.9 440.5
4 ID 5 Gas 5 1 370.65 370.45 359.9 326.25 326.2
5 ID 6 Coal 6 0 337 423.4 423.1 427.5 427
6 ID 7 Gas 7 2 240.4065 293.169 252.2675 256.5055 261.653
7 ID 8 Gas 8 2 297.7333 360.2667 355.4 357.0667 358.6667
8 ID 9 Gas 9 3 106.624 106.112 105.964 106 106
9 ID 10 Gas 10 3 432.8 430.4 430.7 431.9 432.1


Index BM Unit ID Technology Rank Gas_Quantile Coal_Quantile 1 2 3 4 5
0 ID 1 Gas 1 0 130.4332 130.932 130.78 130.58 130.568
1 ID 2 Gas 2 0 469.8832 473.257 453.305 442.98 434.343
2 ID 3 Gas 3 1 833.1952 859.969 817.769 806.292 797.655
3 ID 4 Coal 4 0 1167.595 1279.469 1254.469 1248.192 1238.155
4 ID 5 Gas 5 1 1538.245 1649.919 1614.369 1574.442 1564.355
5 ID 6 Coal 6 0 1875.245 2073.319 2037.469 2001.942 1991.355
6 ID 7 Gas 7 2 2115.652 2366.488 2289.737 2258.448 2253.008
7 ID 8 Gas 8 2 2413.385 2726.755 2645.137 2615.514 2611.675
8 ID 9 Gas 9 3 2520.009 2832.867 2751.101 2721.514 2717.675
9 ID 10 Gas 10 3 2952.809 3263.267 3181.801 3153.414 3149.775


settlementPeriod 1 2 3 4 5
settlementDate Type
03/01/2022 Fossil 2540.10 2884.05 2322.03 2027.54 2043.56
ZE 18190.57 18261.24 18367.98 18198.04 18072.02
04/01/2022 Fossil 2772.00 3415.52 3534.11 3580.13 3501.39
ZE 16883.01 16655.47 16581.57 16322.97 16027.87
05/01/2022 Fossil 2653.98 2700.04 2186.64 1702.38 1617.53
ZE 19296.58 19774.30 20163.37 20379.58 20584.48
06/01/2022 Fossil 11556.75 11924.36 11581.64 11144.16 11358.06
ZE 11850.34 11698.00 11801.11 11592.45 11671.91
07/01/2022 Fossil 2373.65 2418.45 2221.58 2154.57 2192.19
ZE 18433.11 17909.67 17774.73 17816.40 17868.83
08/01/2022 Fossil 6407.98 6529.93 6075.51 5258.58 4559.91
ZE 15237.24 15360.68 14994.30 14741.95 14695.10

Example desired output with one input for period one:

Index BM Unit ID Technology Rank Gas_Quantile Coal_Quantile 1 2 3 4 5
0 ID 1 Gas 1 0 130.43
1 ID 2 Gas 2 0
2 ID 3 Gas 3 1
3 ID 4 Coal 4 0
4 ID 5 Gas 5 1
5 ID 6 Coal 6 0
6 ID 7 Gas 7 2
7 ID 8 Gas 8 2
8 ID 9 Gas 9 3
9 ID 10 Gas 10 3

My current solution which does not seem to be that efficient in my next step is as follows with another loop for each day in another function:

def run_loop_for_day_SP_generation(DF1,DF2,DF3):
    modelled_gen_df = pd.DataFrame(index=DF1.index,columns=DF1.columns)
    for SP in DF3.columns:
        for row in DF1.index:
            if row == 0:
            elif DF2.loc[row-1,SP]<DF3[SP][0]:
                if DF2.loc[row-1,SP] DF1.loc[row,SP]>DF3[SP][0]:
                    modelled_gen_df.loc[row,SP]=DF3[SP][0] - DF2.loc[row-1,SP]
                modelled_gen_df.loc[row,SP] = 0 
    modelled_gen_df[['BM Unit ID','Technology','ave rank','rank']] =DF1[['BM Unit ID','Technology','ave rank']]
    return modelled_gen_df

What would the most pythonic way to solve this be? using np.select?

ok more questions. 1) your conditions. there are two if statements back to back, is it "if this cond AND this cond, then x, else y?" 2) why there is only 1 value in df3 and the rest x and y? Is it just for demonstration or is it really like that? 3) you write "settlementPeriod (1-10)", with that you mean for each settlementDate Type "Fossil" right? 4) we don't know Merit_order which occurs in your function. Can't run the code like that.


There is only one value in DF3 for demonstration. Here I used X and Y to fill it in.

SettlementPeriod is the columns 1-5 as in DF1,2 and 3. Settlement date is the date of the data which is why I need a second function that then loops through all days.

Update: Second function to go through all dates

def model_all_days_generation(DF1,DF2,DF3):
    all_dates =  DF3.index.get_level_values(0).unique()
    modelled_generation_dictionary = {'Date':'dataframe'} ## Top label
    for date in all_dates:
        single_day_fossil = DF3.loc[:,'Fossil',:].loc[date].to_frame().transpose()
        day_modelled_gen = run_loop_for_day_SP_generation(DF1,DF2,DF3)
        modelled_generation_dictionary[date] = day_modelled_gen
    return modelled_generation_dictionary


Output from debug:

(('03/01/2022', 'Fossil'), settlementPeriod
1      2540.100
2      2884.050
3      2322.026
4      2027.544
5      2043.558
6      1967.350
7      2050.054
8      1917.484
9      1948.606
10     1912.418
11     1998.150
12     2441.200
13     3098.836
14     3052.854
15     3470.942
16     3844.768
17     4515.572
18     5700.036
19     7408.294
20     7944.532
21     7185.508
22     7200.348
23     7052.050
24     7807.184
25     8065.094
26     8011.100
27     8355.068
28     8567.930
29     8657.718
30     8810.142
31     9275.370
32     9910.762
33    10308.158
34    11240.784
35    11660.706
36    11624.170
37    11452.386
38    11219.704
39    10306.176
40     9785.316
41     8583.608
42     7625.128
43     6738.098
44     5965.298
45     5475.074
46     4584.388
47     3761.072
48     2774.104
Name: (03/01/2022, Fossil), dtype: float64)


KeyError: "None of [Index(['1,', '2,', '3,', '4,', '5,', '6,', '7,', '8,', '9,', '10,', '11,',\n       '12,', '13,', '14,', '15,', '16,', '17,', '18,', '19,', '20,', '21,',\n       '22,', '23,', '24,', '25,', '26,', '27,', '28,', '29,', '30,', '31,',\n       '32,', '33,', '34,', '35,', '36,', '37,', '38,', '39,', '40,', '41,',\n       '42,', '43,', '44,', '45,', '46,', '47,', '48'],\n      dtype='object')] are in the [columns]"

CodePudding user response:

Here is my approach to your task:

The function choices will calculate the new values of the columns 1-5 with its conditions. The function each_date will calculate that new dataframe for each date where Type == 'Fossil'

cols = list('12345')
# ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] # predefine all columns you need here 

def choices(c, thresh):
    col = c.name
    thresh = thresh[col]
    cond1 = df2[col].shift() < thresh
    cond2 = (df2[col].shift()   df1[col]) > thresh     
    m1 = cond1 & cond2
    m2 = cond1 & (~cond2)
    m3 = ~cond1
    #no need to definde m1, m2, m3 here, but easier to read imo
    cond = [m1, m2, m3]
    choices = [thresh - df2[col].shift(), df1[col], 0]
    return np.select(cond, choices) # Series with the length of df1

def each_date(row):
    tmp = df1[cols].apply(choices, thresh=row) # choices will be applied per column
    tmp.loc[0, :] = df1.loc[0,cols] # values of the first row of the new df get values of df1
    return tmp
#create your dictionary
modelled_generation_dictionary = {'Date':'dataframe'}

#loop through each row, apply `each_date` on each row (which is a Series) and concat some columns to it, I assumed you want to have Unit ID and Technology with it
for row in df3.loc[df3.index.get_level_values(1)=='Fossil'].iterrows():
    print(row) # for debugging
    res = pd.concat([df1[["BM Unit ID", "Technology"]], each_date(row[1])],axis=1)

    # change key from timestamp to Date only and make it a string for format like: "2022-03-01"
    modelled_generation_dictionary[f"{row[0][0].date()}"] = res


For debugging: I added the row print(row), each row should be a tuple, containing a tuple as 1st element (with two elements, 1st the timestamp, 2nd the Type) and the 2nd element a pandas.Series, like this:

((Timestamp('2022-03-01 00:00:00'), 'Fossil'), 1    2540.10
2    2884.05
3    2322.03
4    2027.54
5    2043.56
Name: (2022-03-01 00:00:00, Fossil), dtype: float64)

Output of that dict:


   Index BM Unit ID Technology         1         2         3        4        5
0      0       ID 1        Gas  130.4332  130.9320  130.7800  130.580  130.568
1      1       ID 2        Gas  339.4500  342.3250  322.5250  312.400  303.775
2      2       ID 3        Gas  363.3120  386.7120  364.4640  363.312  363.312
3      3       ID 4       Coal  334.4000  419.5000  436.7000  441.900  440.500
4      4       ID 5        Gas  370.6500  370.4500  359.9000  326.250  326.200
5      5       ID 6       Coal  337.0000  423.4000  423.1000  427.500  427.000
6      6       ID 7        Gas  240.4065  293.1690  252.2675   25.598   52.205
7      7       ID 8        Gas  297.7333  360.2667   32.2930    0.000    0.000
8      8       ID 9        Gas  106.6240  106.1120    0.0000    0.000    0.000
9      9      ID 10        Gas   20.0910   51.1830    0.0000    0.000    0.000

   Index BM Unit ID Technology         1         2         3         4         5
0      0       ID 1        Gas  130.4332  130.9320  130.7800  130.5800  130.5680
1      1       ID 2        Gas  339.4500  342.3250  322.5250  312.4000  303.7750
2      2       ID 3        Gas  363.3120  386.7120  364.4640  363.3120  363.3120
3      3       ID 4       Coal  334.4000  419.5000  436.7000  441.9000  440.5000
4      4       ID 5        Gas  370.6500  370.4500  359.9000  326.2500  326.2000
5      5       ID 6       Coal  337.0000  423.4000  423.1000  427.5000  427.0000
6      6       ID 7        Gas  240.4065  293.1690  252.2675  256.5055  261.6530
7      7       ID 8        Gas  297.7333  360.2667  355.4000  357.0667  358.6667
8      8       ID 9        Gas  106.6240  106.1120  105.9640  106.0000  106.0000
9      9      ID 10        Gas  251.9910  430.4000  430.7000  431.9000  432.1000

   Index BM Unit ID Technology         1        2        3        4        5
0      0       ID 1        Gas  130.4332  130.932  130.780  130.580  130.568
1      1       ID 2        Gas  339.4500  342.325  322.525  312.400  303.775
2      2       ID 3        Gas  363.3120  386.712  364.464  363.312  363.312
3      3       ID 4       Coal  334.4000  419.500  436.700  441.900  440.500
4      4       ID 5        Gas  370.6500  370.450  359.900  326.250  326.200
5      5       ID 6       Coal  337.0000  423.400  423.100  127.938   53.175
6      6       ID 7        Gas  240.4065  293.169  149.171    0.000    0.000
7      7       ID 8        Gas  297.7333  333.552    0.000    0.000    0.000
8      8       ID 9        Gas  106.6240    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
9      9      ID 10        Gas  133.9710    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000

   Index BM Unit ID Technology         1         2         3         4         5
0      0       ID 1        Gas  130.4332  130.9320  130.7800  130.5800  130.5680
1      1       ID 2        Gas  339.4500  342.3250  322.5250  312.4000  303.7750
2      2       ID 3        Gas  363.3120  386.7120  364.4640  363.3120  363.3120
3      3       ID 4       Coal  334.4000  419.5000  436.7000  441.9000  440.5000
4      4       ID 5        Gas  370.6500  370.4500  359.9000  326.2500  326.2000
5      5       ID 6       Coal  337.0000  423.4000  423.1000  427.5000  427.0000
6      6       ID 7        Gas  240.4065  293.1690  252.2675  256.5055  261.6530
7      7       ID 8        Gas  297.7333  360.2667  355.4000  357.0667  358.6667
8      8       ID 9        Gas  106.6240  106.1120  105.9640  106.0000  106.0000
9      9      ID 10        Gas  432.8000  430.4000  430.7000  431.9000  432.1000

   Index BM Unit ID Technology         1        2        3        4        5
0      0       ID 1        Gas  130.4332  130.932  130.780  130.580  130.568
1      1       ID 2        Gas  339.4500  342.325  322.525  312.400  303.775
2      2       ID 3        Gas  363.3120  386.712  364.464  363.312  363.312
3      3       ID 4       Coal  334.4000  419.500  436.700  441.900  440.500
4      4       ID 5        Gas  370.6500  370.450  359.900  326.250  326.200
5      5       ID 6       Coal  337.0000  423.400  423.100  427.500  427.000
6      6       ID 7        Gas  240.4065  293.169  184.111  152.628  200.835
7      7       ID 8        Gas  257.9980   51.962    0.000    0.000    0.000
8      8       ID 9        Gas    0.0000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
9      9      ID 10        Gas    0.0000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000

   Index BM Unit ID Technology         1         2         3         4         5
0      0       ID 1        Gas  130.4332  130.9320  130.7800  130.5800  130.5680
1      1       ID 2        Gas  339.4500  342.3250  322.5250  312.4000  303.7750
2      2       ID 3        Gas  363.3120  386.7120  364.4640  363.3120  363.3120
3      3       ID 4       Coal  334.4000  419.5000  436.7000  441.9000  440.5000
4      4       ID 5        Gas  370.6500  370.4500  359.9000  326.2500  326.2000
5      5       ID 6       Coal  337.0000  423.4000  423.1000  427.5000  427.0000
6      6       ID 7        Gas  240.4065  293.1690  252.2675  256.5055  261.6530
7      7       ID 8        Gas  297.7333  360.2667  355.4000  357.0667  358.6667
8      8       ID 9        Gas  106.6240  106.1120  105.9640  106.0000  106.0000
9      9      ID 10        Gas  432.8000  430.4000  430.7000  431.9000  432.1000
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