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404 Error with mybinder.org when I try to deploy a Jupyter Notebook with voila from GitHub


I have a problem deploying my Jupyter Notebook from Github to mybinder.org. I configured everything according to several tutorials I found, but everytime I try to build the page mybinder.org gives me this error afterwards:

404 : Not Found, You are requesting a page that does not exist!

The building process seems to work, as there are no error messages despite the 404 error in the end.

This is my Github page I try to build from: Mybinder Input

Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?

CodePudding user response:

You didn't have the correct name of the notebook in the 'URL to open' portion of the form.

The resulting correct address should be: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/MkengineTA/VoilaDemo/main?urlpath=voila/render/TestVoila.ipynb , that's https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/MkengineTA/VoilaDemo/main?urlpath=voila/render/TestVoila.ipynb.

You had the name of the notebook wrong in what the form was generating because you input the name of the repo and not the notebook there in front of .ipynb.

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