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How Can I Extract list of prices from website using VBA?


Good day -

I am reading the list of cars from Craigslist Miami using VBA. The code is working fine with printing the links for each vehicle, however, I need to extract the price and print it on the adjacent cell. I can get the class name, but I am unable to read the result. Please see code below. It s working fine except for the price:

 Sub GetvehPosts()

Dim link As HTMLLinkElement
Dim blog As HTMLLinkElement
Dim price As HTMLLinkElement
Dim IE As Object
Dim html  As HTMLDocument
Dim URL As String
Dim URLParameter As String
Dim page As Long, counter As Long
'Dim http As Object
Dim links As Object
Dim blogpost As Object
Dim priceonly As Object
Dim StartCell As Range
Dim increment As Integer
Dim htmlele1 As HTMLLinkElement


' This is the first cell that a blog post hyperlink is created in
Set StartCell = Range("A15")

URL = "https://miami.craigslist.org/search/cta"
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

' CHnage this to False if you want to hide IE
IE.Visible = True

counter = 0

 'Set the number of pages of the website to go through in the browser
For page = 0 To 480 Step 120  'increment by 120 - total 4 pages
   'Debug.Print page
   If page > 1 Then URLParameter = "?s=" & page

  IE.navigate URL & URLParameter
     'Wait for the browser to load the page
    Do Until IE.readyState = 4

    Set html = IE.document
    Set links = html.getElementsByTagName("h3")

    For Each link In links
        If InStr(LCase(link.outerHTML), "result-heading") Then
            Set blogpost = link.getElementsByTagName("a")
            Set priceonly = link.getElementsByClassName("result-price")
            For Each blog In blogpost
                StartCell.Offset(counter, 0).Hyperlinks.Add _
                Anchor:=StartCell.Offset(counter, 0), Address:=blog, _
            Next blog
            For Each price In priceonly
            If price.className = "result-price" Then
            Debug.Print price.innerText
            End If
            Next price
        counter = counter   1
        End If
    Next link

Next page

   Set IE = Nothing
   End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Using InternetExplorer is usually a pain. (Selenium works fairly well with excel and has querySelector type functionality)

But sticking with InternetExplorer for now...

Try to work with IHTMLElementCollection(s) instead of IHTMLElement(s) because the collections still have the getElement(s).. methods.

I've never managed to make getElementsByClassName work properly. The markup of the data your scraping is likely to be fixed, so working with child indexes is fairly reliable.

I had a go at trying to extract the link text and price for each item on your target and this appears to work for me.

Sub getPosts()
Dim Browser As InternetExplorer
Dim HTML As IHTMLDocument
Dim Results As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim Result As IHTMLElementCollection

Dim URL As String
Dim URLParameter As String

Dim Index As Integer

URL = "https://miami.craigslist.org/search/cta"
URLParameter = ""

Set Browser = New InternetExplorer

Browser.Visible = True

Browser.navigate URL & URLParameter
Do Until Browser.readyState = 4
Set HTML = Browser.document
Set Results = HTML.getElementsByClassName("result-row")
For Index = 0 To Results.Length - 1

    Debug.Print "LinkText:" & Results(Index).getElementsByTagName("h3")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(0).innerText
    Debug.Print "Price:" & Results(Index).getElementsByTagName("span")(0).innerText
Next Index


Set Browser = Nothing

End Sub


the above code only looks at the first page, and outputs the link text and price of each post to the debug window. (it was an example of how to access the elements you were looking for)

ive added your page navigation code back in and made it output to the worksheet instead of the debug window.

Sub getPosts()
Dim Browser As InternetExplorer
Dim HTML As IHTMLDocument
Dim Results As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim Result As IHTMLElementCollection

Dim URL As String
Dim URLParameter As String

Dim Index As Integer

Dim Counter As Integer: Counter = 0
Dim Page As Integer

Dim Link As IHTMLElement
Dim Price As IHTMLElement

Dim StartCell As Range: Set StartCell = Range("Sheet1!A15") ' adjust sheet name

URL = "https://miami.craigslist.org/search/cta"
URLParameter = ""

Set Browser = New InternetExplorer

Browser.Visible = True

For Page = 0 To 480 Step 120

    If Page > 1 Then
        URLParameter = "?s=" & Page
    End If

    Browser.navigate URL & URLParameter
    Do Until Browser.readyState = 4
    Set HTML = Browser.document
    Set Results = HTML.getElementsByClassName("result-row")
    For Index = 0 To Results.Length - 1

        Set Link = Results(Index).getElementsByTagName("h3")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(0)
        StartCell.Offset(Counter, 0).Hyperlinks.Add StartCell.Offset(Counter, 0), Link.href, , , Link.innerText
        Set Price = Results(Index).getElementsByClassName("result-price")(0)
        StartCell.Offset(Counter, 1).Value = Price.innerText
        Counter = Counter   1
    Next Index

Next Page


Set Browser = Nothing

End Sub
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