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Alias C enum and it's entries in C without C-style name prefixes


I'm writing a library with both a C and C API. I need to write many enums in the C API and wrap them in the C API.

typedef enum PREFIX_SomeType
} PREFIX_SomeType;

In the C wrapper header I'd like to have a similar enum without name prefixes, since the C wrapping API uses a namespace called PREFIX.

namespace PREFIX

enum SomeType : int


Since these two enums are different enums they don't cleanly convert to one another. Whenever I define a struct in the C api containing enums, I'd like to use a C alias.

typedef struct PREFIX_ApiStruct
    PREFIX_SomeType type;
    // ...
} PREFIX_ApiStruct;

And in the C wrapper:

using namespace PREFIX

using ApiStruct = PREFIX_ApiStruct;


But, when trying to use the C wrapper we cannot assign a C enum...

ApiStruct instance;
instance.type = SOME_TYPE_A; // Error!

Is there a way to let a C user not write type out PREFIX_ and instead use C namespaces, without requiring explicit casts?

CodePudding user response:

Does an X-MACRO help?

In a shared .h:

#define SOME_TYPE   \
    X(SOME_TYPE_A)  \
    X(SOME_TYPE_B)  \

In the C part:

typedef enum PREFIX_SomeType
#define X(type) PREFIX_##type,
#undef X
} PREFIX_SomeType;

In the C part:

namespace PREFIX

enum SomeType : int
#define X(type) type,
#undef X


CodePudding user response:

The closest solution I could come up with is using C 17 to do:

inline constexpr PREFIX_SomeType SOME_TYPE_A = PREFIX_SOME_TYPE_A;
inline constexpr PREFIX_SomeType SOME_TYPE_B = PREFIX_SOME_TYPE_B;
inline constexpr PREFIX_SomeType SOME_TYPE_C = PREFIX_SOME_TYPE_C;

This does mess somewhat with syntax highlighting, but I fail to see a better alternative without re-implementing the C struct. This is also easy to generate via x-macro.

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