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Fuzzy search


Great god how to perform fuzzy searches with C language, please?
Such as telephone, search, and, according to the 157 appears all with 157
And not just at the beginning of 157,,,
O the program code

CodePudding user response:

You are clear from where to search? Database? File? Memory?

CodePudding user response:

We will write a equipment management procedure, requirements for typing browse for functions such as
Information stored in a file in the directory

CodePudding user response:

Using the LIKE


 SELECT * FROM table WHERE columns LIKE (' % % query conditions); 

CodePudding user response:

Before write a function that mimic SQL Like action, returned to STR whether can match Like the format string,
//case-sensitive, match way: "% % ABC_45" "% __ABC_45__ %
"ABC_45//"% %" "__ABC_45__ ABC_45 % % %"
 bool SQLStringLike (AnsiString const & amp; The Format of AnsiString const & amp; STR) 
If (Format. IsEmpty ())//Format string is empty
Return true;
Else if (the Format=="NULL")//NULL match empty
Return the STR. IsEmpty ();
Char * tryNext=NULL;//only a tryNext, so might be wrong
Char * sf=Format. C_str ();
Char * sp=STR. C_str ();
Char * start;//to compare characters start
Char * end;//to compare characters end
Char * p;
Char x;
While (* sf, & amp; & * sp)
If (* sf=='_')//_ match any one character
+ + sf;//not identify multibyte characters)
Else if (* sf=='%')
While (* (sf + 1)=='%') + + sf.//% as a continuous, SQL Server as a mistake
If (* (sf + 1)==0)//end with %
Return true;
The else
Start=sf, + 1;
While (* start=='_')/behind/% _
+ + start;
+ + sp;
If (* sp==0)
Return false;
While (* end & amp; & * the end!='%' & amp; & * the end!='_') + + end;
X=* end;
* end=0;
P=STRSTR (sp, start);
If (p)
Sp=p + (end - start);
* end=x;
TryNext=STRSTR (sp, start);//the next match point
continue ;
The else
* end=x;
Return false;
Else if (* sf!=* sp)
If (tryNext)
Goto LOOP;
The else
Return false;
The else
+ + sf;
+ + sp;
If (sf, [0]=='%' & amp; & Sf, [1]==0)//format string ends with a % for
Return true;
Return (* sf,==* sp);//will be equal to 0

CodePudding user response:

AnsiString char * instead of the above functions, not much will change, become C,

CodePudding user response:

Looking back, the function is not the Escape of SQL operator [] [^] Escape mask, etc.,

CodePudding user response:

Regular expressions can not?

CodePudding user response:

The so-called "fuzzy search" is the first to have "fuzzy" to your search
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