I am only beginner level at C and I'm trying to execute what I think is a simple script in Apps Script for this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lu0_B1OdjU6Y5KF4zomCpQNiGCGklVoZDF8rQ8HQBhQ/edit?usp=sharing The execution is timing out and it doesn't give me much information as to why but it has to be something to do with the parts of the template I have changed. Namely just the for loop in task 3. Maybe the way i have concatenated too? I am not familiar with Java and may be missing something very obvious. I'm not familiar with how it should be set out either so please be kind.
function routineActivator() {
Task 1) Open the Event Calendar.
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var calendarId = 'myEmail';
var eventCal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId);
Task 2) Pull each shift information into the code, in a form that the code can understand.
var routine = spreadsheet.getRange('A4:D74').getValues();
Task 3) Do the work!
for (x=0; x<routine.length; x ) {
var task = routine[x];
var des = task[3]
var label = task[2];
var startTime = task[0] task[1];
while (des != 2){
var endTime = task[0] task[1];
task ;
eventCal.createEvent(label, startTime, endTime);
Task 4) Make it easy to use.
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Sync to Calendar')
.addItem('Schedule tasks now', 'routineActivator')
I have tried to run it but it loops and times out.
CodePudding user response:
The problem is that the following will loop forever and never exit:
if (des = 1) {
while (des != 2) {
will always be 1
because you are using the assignment operator =
instead of the comparison operator ===
Changing the operator is not enough to fix the problem, though, because when des
is 1
, it is not 2
, and the while
loop will never exit. You need to modify des
in the while