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Define a route with root-value and slug in Razor Pages


I want to create a link that has a root value and a slug value. Something like this:


How can I do that?

The tag I wrote is as follows:

<a asp-page="./ProductCategory" asp-route-id="@category.Slug" asp-route-page="1">@category.Name</a>

I want the following output to be obtained:


But in practice, the slug value is not recieved.

Other things I did was to get the id rootvalue in the destination page:

@page {id}

and in the destination page-model, get URL values:

OnGet(string id, int page)

But when I run the program, the slug value (page) is zero and the page does not load.

Do I have to enter something for routes in the StartUp.cs file? like the MapRoute method from MVC model, is there a similar method for Razor Pages?

CodePudding user response:

In Razor Pages, you can use the asp-route- attribute on a tag to specify route values. For example, if you want to include the id and page route values in the URL, you can use the following tag:

<a asp-page="./ProductCategory" asp-route-id="@category.Slug" asp-route-page="1">@category.Name</a>

This will generate a URL like this:


To retrieve the route values in the destination page, you can use the @page directive in the Razor markup to access the route values. For example:

@page "{id}/{pagenum}"

@functions {
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public int PageNum { get; set; }

    public void OnGet(string id, int pagenum)
        Id = id;
        PageNum = pagenum;

This will define a page that has two route values: id and page. You can then access these values in the OnGet method and use them in your page logic.

If you want to customize the route templates for your pages, you can do so in the ConfigureServices method of the Startup class. You can use the options.Conventions.AddPageRoute method to specify a custom route template for a page like this:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        .AddRazorPagesOptions(options =>
            options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("/ProductCategory", "{id}/{pagenum}");

CodePudding user response:

Route values that have the same name as route template parameters and are mapped to URL segments. Other route values are added to the URL as query string values.

In the following example, you have a parameter named category. This will appear as a segment:

@page "{category}"

The asp-route-category attribute specifies "rootValue as the category parameter value:

<a asp-page="SomePage" asp-route-category="rootValue" asp-route-slug="my-slug-value">Click</a>

The asp-route-slug attribute doesn't have a matching parameter so will be added as a query string value resulting in


You can use the BindProperty attribute to bind the URL values to public properties on the PageModel:

public string Category { get; set; }
public string Slug { get; set; }

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