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Multiple HttpGet that differ by route parameter cannot support different SwaggerResponse's


I am using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Annotations to enhance the generated documentation. I have a simple C# controller that has your standard Get, Post, Delete endpoints. My issues occurred when I added an additional HttpGet with a route parameter, which should be enough to differentiate and still generate the swagger documentation.

Everything seems to be ok until I try to modify the SwaggerResponse as one endpoint /entities returns a page of entities, where as the /entities/{id} endpoint returns a single entity result.

I modified the attribute annotations:

        Summary = "summary here",
        Description = "description",
        OperationId = "GetPage",
        Tags = new[] { "Entity" })]
    [SwaggerResponse(StatusCodes.Status200OK, type: typeof(PaginationResult<EntityTransferObject>))]
    public async Task<ActionResult> GetAsync(
        [FromQuery] [SwaggerParameter("The entity type", Required = true)] string entityType,
        [FromQuery] [SwaggerParameter("The page number to return", Required = true)]
        int page,
        [FromHeader(Name = "Authorization")] [SwaggerIgnore]
        string token)
        Summary = "summary here",
        Description = "description",    
        OperationId = "GetEntity",
        Tags = new[] { "Entity" })]
    [SwaggerResponse(StatusCodes.Status200OK, type: typeof(ExecuteQueryResult<EntityTransferObject>))]
    public async Task<ActionResult> GetAsync(
        [FromRoute] [SwaggerParameter("The entity id", Required = true)] Guid id,
        [FromHeader(Name = "Authorization")] [SwaggerIgnore]
        string token)

If I then generate the swagger documentation I am met with an error that it failed to load the API definition. If I change the swagger response type to be the same for the 2 /GET methods, it will work. It will also work if I only add the attribute to one endpoint.

If the endpoints are different, they should support different response types for a status code? I've tried using the .NET Core ProducesResponseType and that results in the same issue. I have also tried adjusting the return type to be more specific e.g. Task<ActionResult<PaginationResult<EntityTransferObject>>> and that has the same issue.

Is there another way to enhance the documentation output for the returned type for the 2 endpoints?

CodePudding user response:

It appears that swagger is getting upset because both endpoints return a type that contains the same transfer object.


PaginationResult, which has a list of TransferObjects and the QueryResult that just has 1 TransferObject. Although different types, the TransferObject is resulting in a "can't use schemaId for type Y as it is already used for type Z".

I fixed this by adding the following line to the swagger config

  c =>
    // Removed earlier config for simplicity
    c.CustomSchemaIds(type => type.ToString());
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