Home > Back-end >  I need the jolt transform for the given input . Photos array is dynamic in nature
I need the jolt transform for the given input . Photos array is dynamic in nature


If id value is 0 then i don't want that in output. Photos Array is dynamic in nature. Here it is 3 , it can be 3 or 4 or5 any . Your help in this is highly appreciated . thanks .

input JSON

  "Entity": {
    "card": {
      "cardNo": "123456789",
      "cardStatus": "10",
      "cardAddress": "UK",
      "cardAddress1": "US",
      "cardCity": "mk",
      "name": "RAM",
      "lastName": "ABU",
      "name1": "RAM1",
      "lastName1": "ABU1",
      "Id1": "0",
      "Id2": 0,
      "Id3": 0
    "Photos": [
        "Id": 327703,
        "Caption": "TEST>> photo 1",
        "Url": "http://bob.com/0001/327703/photo.jpg"
        "Id": 327704,
        "Caption": "TEST>> photo 2",
        "Url": "http://bob.com/0001/327704/photo.jpg"
        "Id": 327704,
        "Caption": "TEST>> photo 2",
        "Url": "http://bob.com/0001/327704/photo.jpg"

output JSON

  "tab": {
    "text": "123456789"
  "address": [
      "add": "UK",
      "add2": "US",
      "mk": "mk"
  "Photos": [
      "caption2": "http.1.com",
      "no": "0"
      "caption2": "http.2.com",
      "no": "0"
      "caption2": "http.3com",
      "no": "0"
      "caption2": "TEST>> photo 1",
      "no": "327703"
      "caption2": "TEST>> photo 2",
      "no": "327704"
      "caption2": "TEST>> photo 2",
      "no": "327704"

expected JSON

  "tab": {
    "text": "123456789"
  "address": [
      "add": "UK",
      "add2": "US",
      "mk": "mk"
  "Photos": [
      "caption2": "TEST>> photo 1",
      "no": "327703"
      "caption2": "TEST>> photo 2",
      "no": "327704"
      "caption2": "TEST>> photo 2",
      "no": "327704"

jolt spec using

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "Entity": {
        "card": {
          "cardNo": "tab.text",
          "cardAddress": "address[0].add",
          "cardAddress1": "address[0].add2",
          "cardC*": "address[0].mk",
          "Id1": "Photos.no",
          "#http.1.com": "Photos.caption2",
          "Id2": "Photos.no",
          "#http.2.com": "Photos.caption2",
          "Id3": "Photos.no",
          "#http.3com": "Photos.caption2"
        "Photos": {
          "*": {
            "Id": "Photos.no",
            "Caption": "Photos.caption2"
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "tab": "&",
      "address": "&",
      "Photos": {
        "*": {
          "*": {
            "@": "&3[&1].&2"
    "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
    "spec": {
      "Photos": {
        "*": {
          "no": "=toString"

I am thinking one if else logic is required if value is 0 then don't pass otherwise pass like that.

CodePudding user response:

Hey Saurabh I couldn't understand your request properly but this may help you resolve your query. I have created an spec for your expected output, I have kept an if else condition on Photos[].no if its 0 it wont populate the fields, you can check the below spec and input :

Input :

  "Entity": {
    "card": {
      "cardNo": "123456789",
      "cardStatus": "10",
      "cardAddress": "UK",
      "cardAddress1": "US",
      "cardCity": "mk",
      "name": "RAM",
      "lastName": "ABU",
      "name1": "RAM1",
      "lastName1": "ABU1",
      "Id1": "0",
      "Id2": 0,
      "Id3": 0
    "Photos": [
        "Id": 0,
        "Caption": "TEST>> photo 1",
        "Url": "http://bob.com/0001/327703/photo.jpg"
        "Id": 327704,
        "Caption": "TEST>> photo 2",
        "Url": "http://bob.com/0001/327704/photo.jpg"
        "Id": 327704,
        "Caption": "TEST>> photo 2",
        "Url": "http://bob.com/0001/327704/photo.jpg"

Spec :

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "Entity": {
        "card": {
          "cardNo": "tab.text",
          "cardAddress": "address.[#2].add",
          "cardAddress1": "address.[#2].add2",
          "cardCity": "address.[#2].mk"
        "Photos": {
          "*": {
            "Id": "Photos.[&1].no",
            "Caption": "Photos.[&1].caption2"
    "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
    "spec": {
      "Photos": {
        "*": {
          "no": "=toString"
  }, {
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": "&",
      "Photos": {
        "*": {
          "no": {
            "0": {
              "@(2,no)": "Trash"
            "*": {
              "@(2,no)": "p.Photos.[#4].no",
              "@(2,caption2)": "p.Photos.[#4].caption2"
   }, {
    "operation": "remove",
    "spec": {
      "Trash": ""
    "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
    "spec": {
      "*": "=recursivelySquashNulls"
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": "&",
      "p": {
        "Photos": "Photos"

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You can start by converting the independent attributes dynamically collect under common nodes, then use conditional logic such as

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "Entity": {
        "card": {
          "cardNo": "tab.text",
          "*Addres*|*City": {
            "*": {
              "@1": "address[#1].&2"
          "Id*": {// enumerate the members of the object in a dynamical manner
            "*": {
              "#caption2": "Photos&2[#1].http\\.&(2,1)\\.com", // &(2,1) could be used RHS
              "@1": "Photos&2[#1].no"
        "*": {
          "*": {
            "Id": "&2[&1].no", // rename "Id" to "no"
            "*": "&2[&1].&"
  { // combine all objects related to Photoes under common array
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": "&",
      "Photo*": {
        "*": {
          "@": "Photoes"
  { // label objects of photoes by their respective "no" values
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": "&",
      "Photoes": {
        "*": {
          "http*": {
            "$": "&3[&2].@(2,no).@(0)" // exchange key-value pairs
          "*": "&2[&1].@(1,no).&"
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": "&",
      "Photoes": {
        "*": {
          "0": "rem&2", // remPhotoes tagged stuff will be removed
          "*": {
            "@": "&3[]"
    "operation": "remove",
    "spec": {
      "remPhotoes": ""
    "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
    "spec": {
      "Photoes": {
        "*": {
          "no": "=toString"

CodePudding user response:

You may consider another library Josson to do the same job by shorter transformation statement.



Josson josson = Josson.fromJsonString(
    "  \"Entity\": {"  
    "    \"card\": {"  
    "      \"cardNo\": \"123456789\","  
    "      \"cardStatus\": \"10\","  
    "      \"cardAddress\": \"UK\","  
    "      \"cardAddress1\": \"US\","  
    "      \"cardCity\": \"mk\","  
    "      \"name\": \"RAM\","  
    "      \"lastName\": \"ABU\","  
    "      \"name1\": \"RAM1\","  
    "      \"lastName1\": \"ABU1\","  
    "      \"Id1\": \"0\","  
    "      \"Id2\": 0,"  
    "      \"Id3\": 0"  
    "    },"  
    "    \"Photos\": ["  
    "      {"  
    "        \"Id\": 0,"  
    "        \"Caption\": \"TEST>> photo 1\","  
    "        \"Url\": \"http://bob.com/0001/327703/photo.jpg\""  
    "      },"  
    "      {"  
    "        \"Id\": 327704,"  
    "        \"Caption\": \"TEST>> photo 2\","  
    "        \"Url\": \"http://bob.com/0001/327704/photo.jpg\""  
    "      },"  
    "      {"  
    "        \"Id\": 327704,"  
    "        \"Caption\": \"TEST>> photo 2\","  
    "        \"Url\": \"http://bob.com/0001/327704/photo.jpg\""  
    "      }"  
    "    ]"  
    "  }"  


JsonNode node = josson.getNode(
    "  tab: map(text: card.cardNo),"  
    "  address: wrap(card.map("  
    "    add: cardAddress,"  
    "    add2: cardAddress1,"  
    "    cardCity:: cardCity)),"  
    "  Photos[Id!=0]*.map("  
    "    caption2: Caption,"  
    "    no: toText(Id))"  


  "tab" : {
    "text" : "123456789"
  "address" : [ {
    "add" : "UK",
    "add2" : "US",
    "mk" : "mk"
  } ],
  "Photos" : [ {
    "caption2" : "TEST>> photo 2",
    "no" : "327704"
  }, {
    "caption2" : "TEST>> photo 2",
    "no" : "327704"
  } ]
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