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How do I make it so that a class inside of another class doesn't have to be instantiated to be


How do I make it so that, if i have this class:

namespace RSA_Functions
    internal class Crypto
        internal Encrypt encrypt;
        internal Decrypt decrypt;

        private RSAParameters privateKey;
        private RSAParameters publicKey;
        private RSACryptoServiceProvider csp;

        //Generates public and private keys
        internal void GenerateKeys()
            csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048);

            //private key
            privateKey = csp.ExportParameters(true);

            //public key
            publicKey = csp.ExportParameters(false);

            csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

        internal class Encrypt
            internal static string String(string plainTextData, bool returnString)
                //Bla bla bla
            internal static Byte[] String(string plainTextData)
                //Bla bla bla
            internal static string Byte(byte[] bytesToEncrypt, bool returnString)
                //Bla bla bla
            internal static Byte[] Byte(byte[] bytesToEncrypt)
                //Bla bla bla

        internal class Decrypt
            internal static string Byte(byte[] bytesEncrypted, bool returnString)
                //Bla bla bla
            internal static byte[] Byte(byte[] bytesEncrypted)
                //Bla bla bla
            internal static string String(string stringEncrypted, bool returnString)
                //Bla bla bla
            internal static byte[] String(string stringEncrypted)
                //Bla bla bla

How do I make it so that I can simply do Crypto crypto = new() and be able to access the Ecrypt and Decrypt classes methods with a simple crypto.GenerateKeys(); crypto.Encrypt.String("a random string"); and not have to instantiate Encrypt and Decrypt in order to access the methods inside of them. Do I use something other than a class to contain them or?

CodePudding user response:

First of all you have to make they public :

public Encrypt encrypt; 
public Decrypt decrypt;

and create a constructor for Crypto and instantiate both above properties inside constructor. Hope this helps

CodePudding user response:

As starting point I recommend using interfaces or abstract classes. For example

interface Encrypt
   void DoEncrypt();
interface Decrypt
   void DoDecrypt();
public class MyClass: Encrypt, Decrypt
  // declare interfaces methods

Of course this is not a tested example, it's just to show you what an starting point would be. Using interfaces will force you to code the interface methods inside the main class (implement interface methods)

Another way is using inheritance

class Encrypt{
   public void DoSomeThing()
      // ...
class MyClass:Encrypt
   public MyClass()

But the use of inheritance has a native limitation in C#. You will only be able to inherit for exactly one parent class. That's why I recommend interfaces. The use of abstract classes has the same limitation as the use of normal classes

CodePudding user response:

First of all, it probably makes no sense to add your Crypto class initialization logic into separate method. Consider to remove method void GenerateKeys() and place its code into Crypto class constructor:

internal class Crypto
   // private fields
   internal Encrypt encrypt;
   internal Decrypt decrypt;
   // constructor    
   internal Crypto()
      // your GenerateKeys() code

   // ...

Then, in your approach you can add this code to constructor, so your Encrypt and Decrypt instances are created along with the Crypto instance:

encrypt = new Encrypt();
decrypt = new Decrypt();

Finally, remove modifier static from your Encrypt and Decrypt methods definition to call these methods via class instances and to be able to use your non-static fields in its code.

Also consider to refactor method names in you Encrypt and Decrypt classes to match c# coding conventions:

internal class Encrypt
   internal string GetString(string plainTextData)

   internal Byte[] GetBytes(string plainTextData)

   internal string GetString(byte[] bytesToEncrypt)

   internal Byte[] GetBytes(byte[] bytesToEncrypt)

// same for Decrypt class
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