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Regex to match characters between two specific characters in shell script


I want to clean my file before/after saving so I have to delete unnecessary characters that I have there. Sadly, even that my regex is working in Regex101, it does not work in shell script I wrote.

I am getting my list from Kubernetes via

kubectl get pods -n $1 -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{@.spec.containers[*].image}{","}{@.status.containerStatuses[*].imageID}{"\n"}{end}'

Then I saving it to the temp file and using sed to clear it - the regex should match and (sed should) delete any character between , and @ (also should delete @). I am escaping them since they are special characters.

sed -i 's/(?<=\,)(.*?)(?<=\@)//g' temp

The problem is that this regex is working fine (for example in Regex101) but is not working with the sed command. I even tried awk but getting the same output.

awk '!/(?<=\,)(.*?)(?<=\@)/' temp

Am I missing something or is the regex acting differently somehow in Unix/shell?

Thanks for any input.

Example content of the file (for test):


Expected output:


CodePudding user response:

You are trying to use Perl extensions which are not supported by more traditional regex tools like sed and Awk.

Perhaps see also Why are there so many different regular expression dialects? and the Stack Overflow regex tag info page.

If I can guess what you are trying to do, you want simply

sed -i 's/,[^@]*@/,/g' temp

The /g flag is unnecessary if you only expect one match per line.

Neither , nor @ is a regex metacharacter; they do not require escaping.

Usually you would want to avoid using a temporary file or sed -i; perhaps simply

kubectl blah blah | sed 's/,[^@]*@/,/' > temp

to create the file, or remove the redirection if you want to pipe the results further.

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