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Regex multiple detection of same matching group


i am having trouble with regex for dectecting all characters between the keyword "QUESTION"

I want to select all Question but i couldn't select a Question already present in the first match when i use this regex (the result is bold):

(Question |QUESTION |QCM )(.)*?(Question |QUESTION |QCM )

QUESTION N°%6 : A PROPOS DE LA MYOLOGIE DE L EXTREMITE CEPHALIQUE : C. Le nerf facial se termine dans la loge submandibulaire. | D. Tous les muscles peauciers sont innerves par le nerf facial. . risa baile E. La contraction du muscle platysma entraine un abaissement de la lévre inférieure. QUESTION N°7 : A PROPOS DE LA MYOLOGIE DE L'EXTREMITE CEPHALIQUE : Re ear al 30 A. Le muscle buccinateur est innervé par le nerf mandibulaire. | oe ee B. La contraction du muscle élévateur nasolabial entraine une constriction de la narine. QUESTION N°8 : A PROPOS DE L'ARTICULATION TEMPOROMANDIBULAIRE : A. Les articulations temporo-mandibulaires sont de type sphéroide. mandibulaire. Question

i need to match with all Questions. thank you

CodePudding user response:

You could write the pattern with an assertion and the capture group around the whole matching part.

 \b(Question|QUESTION|QCM)\s (.*?)(?=\s (?:Question|QUESTION|QCM)\s|$)


  • \b A word boundary
  • (Question|QUESTION|QCM) Capture any of the alternatives in group 1
  • \s Match 1 word characters
  • (.*?) Capture any character in group 2, as few as possible
  • (?=\s (?:Question|QUESTION|QCM)\s|$) Assert that to the right is either a new variation of question between whitespace chars, or the the end of the string

Regex demo

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