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How do I fix dark mode not retaining across multiple html pages?


This is a follow up to my previous question which can be found here How do I implement the saving of dark/light mode feature to local storage?

I want the dark/light mode to continue to retain across multiple html pages but it does. Via local storage I am able to make a single page retain it's state after page refresh but this does not reflect in the other pages. I.e If I set index.html to dark mode, it remains on dark mode until I change the settings but if I move on to other.html, I have to manually set it to dark mode. What's the solution to this?


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"></link>
    <script async src="script.js"></script>
      <div >
        <p>Light/Dark Mode</p>
        <label  for="dark-mode-toggle">
          <input type="checkbox" id="dark-mode-toggle" name="theme" xonclick="otherColorChanges()" onreset="restoreDefaultColor()">
          <div >
            <div ></div>
      <h1>Go to others.html</h1>
      <a href="others.html">Click</a>
    <!--Attempt to make the dark mode work on multiple pages even if it wasn't set on it-->
            checkbox.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
            localStorage.setItem('bodyCssProps', this.darkModeToggle.checked);
            if(this.darkModeToggle.checked) {
            } else {

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"></link>
    <script async src="script.js"></script>
      <div >
        <p>Light/Dark Mode</p>
        <label  for="dark-mode-toggle">
          <input type="checkbox" id="dark-mode-toggle" name="theme" xonclick="otherColorChanges()" onreset="restoreDefaultColor()">
          <div >
            <div ></div>
      <h1>Go to others.html</h1>
      <a href="others.html">Click</a>
    <!--Attempt to make the dark mode work on multiple pages even if it wasn't set on it-->
            checkbox.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
            localStorage.setItem('bodyCssProps', this.darkModeToggle.checked);
            if(this.darkModeToggle.checked) {
            } else {

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"></link>
    <script async src="script.js"></script>
      <div >
        <p>Light/Dark Mode</p>
        <label  for="dark-mode-toggle">
          <input type="checkbox" id="dark-mode-toggle" name="theme" xonclick="otherColorChanges()" onreset="restoreDefaultColor()">
          <div >
            <div ></div>
      <h1>Go to others.html</h1>
      <a href="others.html">Click</a>
    <!--Attempt to make the dark mode work on multiple pages even if it wasn't set on it-->
            checkbox.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
            localStorage.setItem('bodyCssProps', this.darkModeToggle.checked);
            if(this.darkModeToggle.checked) {
            } else {



.toggle-switch {
  display     : inline-flex;
  align-items : center;
  font-family : 'Sora', sans-serif;
  font-weight : 700;
  font-size   : .875rem;
  cursor      : pointer;
.toggle-switch-border {
  display             : inline-flex;
  align-items         : center;
  width               : 60px;
  height              : 36px;
  border              : 1px solid var(--primary); 
  border-radius       : 20px;
  box-sizing          : border-box;
  margin-inline-start : 8px;
.toggle-switch input {
  display: none;
.toggle-switch-dot {
  width         : 28px;
  height        : 28px;
  border-radius : 50%;
  background    : var(--primary);
  transform     : translate3d(3px, 0, 0);
  transition    : transform .1s ease-in-out;
.toggle-switch input:checked   * .toggle-switch-dot {
  transform : translate3d(26px, 0, 0);
body {
  color              : var(--primary);
  font-family        : "Work Sans", sans-serif;
  background         : var(--background);
  /*box-sizing       : border-box;*/
  transition         : color 0.5s;
  transition         : background 0.5s;
  --dark-background  : #253a52;
  --dark-primary     : white; /*#FFFFE3*/
  --dark-link        : #A9FE75;
  --light-background : white; /*#ffffe3*/
  --light-primary    : #253a52;
  --light-link       : #1348da;
  --background       : var(--light-background);
  --primary          : var(--light-primary);
  --link             : var(--light-link);
a {
  color : var(--link);
/* separator bars */
section {
  border-block-end : 1px solid var(--primary);
/* container for dark-mode toggle */
header .controls {
  display         : flex;
  justify-content : end;
  padding         : 1rem 0;
  margin-right    : 3rem;
 a.btn {
  display         : inline-flex;
  align-items     : center;
  background      : var(--link);
  color           : var(--background);
  text-decoration : none;
  padding         : 0 1rem;
  height          : 2.5rem;
  border-radius   : 1.25rem;
  font-family     : "Montserrat", sans-serif;
  font-weight     : 700;
  font-size       : 0.875rem;



/*Light/Dark mode toggle*/
class CssPropControl {
    constructor(element) {
      this.element = element
    get(varName) {
      return getComputedStyle(this.element).getPropertyValue(varName)
    set(varName, val) {
      return this.element.style.setProperty(varName, val)
  const bodyCssProps = new CssPropControl(document.body)

  let toggle = document.querySelector('#dark-mode-toggle')
  toggle.addEventListener('click', updateMode);
  function updateMode() {
    let mode = toggle.checked ? 'dark' : 'light'
    bodyCssProps.set('--background', bodyCssProps.get(`--${mode}-background`))
    bodyCssProps.set('--primary', bodyCssProps.get(`--${mode}-primary`))
    bodyCssProps.set('--link', bodyCssProps.get(`--${mode}-link`))
/*Save dark mode in local storage*/
const darkModeToggle = document.getElementById('dark-mode-toggle');
darkModeToggle.addEventListener('click', () => {
  darkModeToggle.checked ? document.body.classList.add("bodyCssProps"):document.body.classList.remove("bodyCssProps");
  localStorage.setItem('darkModeStatus', darkModeToggle.checked);

window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
  if (localStorage.getItem('darkModeStatus')=="true"){
    document.getElementById('dark-mode-toggle').checked = true;
    console.log('dark mode', document.body.className);
  else {
        console.log('light mode', document.body.className);


CodePudding user response:

You can accomplish this with a cookie.

document.cookie = "theme=dark; path=/; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT;"

This sets the cookie to apply to any page on the root domain with almost no expiration date.

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