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The great god Tomcat startup failure problems?


Severe: the Error filterStart
The 2020-10-12 17:05:38 org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardContext start
Severe: Context startup failed due to previous errors
The 2020-10-12 17:05:38 org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardHostDeployer install
Information: Installing web application at the context path/JSP - examples from URL file: D: \ dev \ Tomcat \ Tomcat 5.0 \ Tomcat 5.0 \ webapps \ JSP - examples
The 2020-10-12 17:05:38 org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardHostDeployer install
Information: Installing web application at the context path from URL file: D: \ dev \ Tomcat \ Tomcat 5.0 \ Tomcat 5.0 \ webapps \ ROOT
The 2020-10-12 17:05:38 org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardHostDeployer install
Information: Installing web application at the context path/servlets - examples from URL file: D: \ dev \ Tomcat \ Tomcat 5.0 \ \ webapps \ Tomcat 5.0 servlets - examples
The 2020-10-12 17:05:38 org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardHostDeployer install
Information: Installing web application at the context path/tomcat - docs from URL file: D: \ dev \ tomcat \ tomcat \ tomcat \ webapps \ tomcat 5.0-5.0 docs
The 2020-10-12 17:05:38 org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardHostDeployer install
Information: Installing web application at the context path/UI from URL file: D: \ dev \ Tomcat \ Tomcat 5.0 \ \ webapps \ Tomcat 5.0 UI
The 2020-10-12 17:05:39 org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoader validateJarFile
Information: validateJarFile (D: \ dev \ Tomcat \ Tomcat 5.0 \ Tomcat 5.0 \ webapps \ \ WEB UI - INF \ lib \ servlet jar) - jar not the loaded. See the servlet 2.3 Spec, section 9.7.2. The Offending class: javax.mail/servlet/servlet class
The 2020-10-12 17:05:39 org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardContext start
Severe: the Error filterStart
The 2020-10-12 17:05:39 org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardContext start
Severe: Context startup failed due to previous errors
The 2020-10-12 17:05:39 org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardHostDeployer install
Information: Installing web application at the context path/webdav URL from file: D: \ dev \ Tomcat \ Tomcat 5.0 \ \ webapps \ webdav Tomcat 5.0
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