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A "special" case of merging in R


I am a quite unexperienced R user facing the following problem:

I would like to merge two data tables dt1 and dt2. dt1 contains 1 variable entitled Assessment. dt2 contains 2 variables entitled ID and Frequency. Now, I would like to have also the Assessment observations in dt2.

For simplicity, consider this example:


dt1 <- data.table(c("perfect", "perfect", "okay", "unsufficient", "good", "good", "okay", "perfect"))
colnames(dt1) <- "Assessment"

dt2 <- data.table(cbind(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),c(1,3,1,1,1,1)))
colnames(dt2) <- c("ID", "Frequency")

Hence, dt1 looks like that:


dt2 looks like that:

ID Frequency
1 1
2 3
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1

My aim would be to get something like:

ID Frequency Assessment
1 1 perfect
2 3 perfect;okay;unsufficient
3 1 good
4 1 good
5 1 okay
6 1 perfect

I do not have any idea how to come here and would appreciate each help very much! Thanks a lot!

CodePudding user response:

dt1 %>% 
    dt2 %>% 
  ) %>% 
  group_by(ID) %>% 
  summarise(Assessment = paste0(Assessment,collapse = ";"))

# A tibble: 6 x 2
     ID Assessment               
  <dbl> <chr>                    
1     1 perfect                  
2     2 perfect;okay;unsufficient
3     3 good                     
4     4 good                     
5     5 okay                     
6     6 perfect  

CodePudding user response:

If you trust the right order, as you say in OP, you can rep.int the IDs according to their frequencies.

dt2[dt1[, list(Assessment=toString(Assessment)), by=list(ID=with(dt2, rep.int(ID, Frequency)))], on=.(ID)]
#    ID Frequency                  Assessment
# 1:  1         1                     perfect
# 2:  2         3 perfect, okay, unsufficient
# 3:  3         1                        good
# 4:  4         1                        good
# 5:  5         1                        okay
# 6:  6         1                     perfect


dt2[dt1[, list(Assessment=list(Assessment)), by=list(ID=with(dt2, rep.int(ID, Frequency)))], on=.(ID)]
#    ID Frequency                Assessment
# 1:  1         1                   perfect
# 2:  2         3 perfect,okay,unsufficient
# 3:  3         1                      good
# 4:  4         1                      good
# 5:  5         1                      okay
# 6:  6         1                   perfect

The difference is, in second version Assessment is a list column.

Note: if dt2 doesn't contain anything else, there's no need to merge anymore and it simplifies to

dt1[, list(Assessment=toString(Assessment)), by=list(ID=with(dt2, rep.int(ID, Frequency)))]
#    ID                  Assessment
# 1:  1                     perfect
# 2:  2 perfect, okay, unsufficient
# 3:  3                        good
# 4:  4                        good
# 5:  5                        okay
# 6:  6                     perfect
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