Home > Back-end >  giving exception in WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); await Firebase.initializeApp();
giving exception in WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); await Firebase.initializeApp();


I have used

  await Firebase.initializeApp();

in main function it is giving exception while debugging and emulator displays blank screen when it is runned without debugging

It is showing following exception -> Exception has occurred. PlatformException (PlatformException(channel-error, Unable to establish connection on channel., null, null))

I have updated dependencies, also added firebase core and also updated it please help me in this problem


output of pub outdated

[*] indicates versions that are not the latest available.

Package Name              Current   Upgradable  Resolvable  Latest   

direct dependencies: all up-to-date.

dev_dependencies: all up-to-date.

transitive dependencies:
string_scanner            *1.1.0    *1.1.0      *1.1.0      1.2.0
term_glyph                *1.2.0    *1.2.0      *1.2.0      1.2.1
test_api                  *0.4.9    *0.4.9      *0.4.9      0.4.17
vector_math               *2.1.2    *2.1.2      *2.1.2      2.1.4
all dependencies are up-to-date.```

CodePudding user response:

1.Add to pubspec.yaml

firebase_core :

2.Add to main.dart

import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';

void main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();

CodePudding user response:

Check your Firebase SDK dependencies in Project build.gradle file and Application build.gradle file

buildscript {
  repositories {
    // Check that you have the following line (if not, add it):
    google()  // Google's Maven repository
  dependencies {
    // Add this line
    classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.13'

allprojects {
  repositories {
    // Check that you have the following line (if not, add it):
    google()  // Google's Maven repository

And in your app level build.grandle:

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
// Add this line
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'

dependencies {
  // Import the Firebase BoM
  implementation platform('com.google.firebase:firebase-bom:30.2.0')

  // Add the dependency for the Firebase SDK for Google Analytics
  // When using the BoM, don't specify versions in Firebase dependencies
  implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics'

  // Add the dependencies for any other desired Firebase products
  // https://firebase.google.com/docs/android/setup#available-libraries

CodePudding user response:

Did you also run flutter clean and flutter pub get again?

Otherwise can you run flutter pub outdated ans share the output?

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