The 20-03-06 20:13:24. 511] [localhost - startStop - 1 WARN O.S.W eb. Context. Support. The XmlWebApplicationContext - Exception encountered during the context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt
Org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with the name 'shiroFilter defined in the class path resource [applicationContext - shiro. XML] : always resolve a reference to the bean' securityManager while setting the bean property 'securityManager; Nested exception is org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with the name 'securityManager defined in the class path resource [applicationContext - shiro. XML] : always resolve a reference to the bean' userRealm while setting the bean property 'realm'; Nested exception is org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with the name 'userRealm: Injection of resource dependencies failed; Nested exception is org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with the name 'serviceManager: Injection of resource dependencies failed; Nested exception is org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with the name 'formAppService: Injection of resource dependencies failed; Nested exception is org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with the name 'formInfoService: Injection of resource dependencies failed; Nested exception is org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with the name 'activitiService: Injection of resource dependencies failed; Nested exception is org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with the name 'processEngine: FactoryBean threw the exception on object creation; Nested exception is Java. Lang. NullPointerException
The at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. Support. BeanDefinitionValueResolver. ResolveReference (BeanDefinitionValueResolver. Java: 359) ~ [spring - beans - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. Support. BeanDefinitionValueResolver. ResolveValueIfNecessary (BeanDefinitionValueResolver. Java: 108) ~ [spring - beans - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. Support. AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory. ApplyPropertyValues (AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory. Java: 1481) ~ [spring - beans - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. Support. AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory. PopulateBean (AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory. Java: 1226) ~ [spring - beans - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. Support. AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory. DoCreateBean (AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory. Java: 543) ~ [spring - beans - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. Support. AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory. CreateBean (AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory. Java: 482) ~ [spring - beans - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. Support. AbstractBeanFactory $1. GetObject (AbstractBeanFactory. Java: 305) ~ [spring - beans - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. Support. DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry. GetSingleton (DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry. Java: 230) ~ [spring - beans - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. Support. AbstractBeanFactory. DoGetBean (AbstractBeanFactory. Java: 301) ~ [spring - beans - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. Support. AbstractBeanFactory. GetBean (AbstractBeanFactory. Java: 201) ~ [spring - beans - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Context. Support. PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate. RegisterBeanPostProcessors (PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate. Java: 240) ~ [spring - the context - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Context. Support. AbstractApplicationContext. RegisterBeanPostProcessors (AbstractApplicationContext. Java: 682) ~ [spring - the context - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Context. Support. AbstractApplicationContext. Refresh (AbstractApplicationContext. Java: 522) ~ [spring - the context - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Context. ContextLoader. ConfigureAndRefreshWebApplicationContext (ContextLoader. Java: 446) [spring - web - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Context. ContextLoader. InitWebApplicationContext (ContextLoader. Java: 328) [spring - web - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Context. ContextLoaderListener. ContextInitialized (ContextLoaderListener. Java: 107) [spring - web - 4.2.0. The jar: 4.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardContext. ListenerStart (StandardContext. Java: 5118) [catalina. Jar: 7.0.75]
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardContext. StartInternal (StandardContext. Java: 5634) [catalina. Jar: 7.0.75]
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Util. LifecycleBase. Start (LifecycleBase. Java: 145) [catalina. Jar: 7.0.75]