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Matrix multiplication while subsetting elements from matrices and storing in a new matrix


I am attempting a numpy.matmul call using as variables

  • Matrix A of dimensions (p, t, q)
  • Matrix B of dimensions (r, t).
  • A categories vector of shape r and p categories, used to take slices of B and define the index of A do use.

The multiplications are done iteratively using the indices of each category. For each category p_i, I extract from A a submatrix (t, q). Then, I multiply those with a subset of B (x, t), where x is a mask defined by r == p_i. Finally, the matrix multiplication of (x, t) and (t, q) produces the output (x, q) which is stored at S[x].

I have noted that I cannot figure out a non-iterative version of this algorithm. The first snippet describes an iterative solution. The second one is an attempt at what I would wish to get, where everything is calculated as a single-step and would be presumably faster. However, it is incorrect because matrix A has three dimensions instead of two. Maybe there is no way to do this in NumPy with a single call, and in general, looking for advice/ideas to try out.


import numpy as np
p, q, r, t = 2, 9, 512, 4
# data initialization (random)
S = np.random.rand(r, q)
A = np.random.randint(0, 3, size=(p, t, q))
B = np.random.rand(r, t)
categories = np.random.randint(0, p, r)

print('iterative') # iterative
for i in range(p):
    # print(i)
    a = A[i, :, :]
    mask = categories == i
    b = B[mask]
    print(b.shape, a.shape, S[mask].shape,
          np.matmul(b, a).shape)
    S[mask] = np.matmul(b, a)


a simple way to write it down

S = np.random.rand(r, q)
result = np.matmul(B, A[:p,:,:])

# iterative assignment
i = 0
S[categories == i] = result[i, categories == i, :]
i = 1
S[categories == i] = result[i, categories == i, :]

The next snippet will produce an error during the multiplication step.

# attempt to multiply once, indexing all categories only once (not possible)
S = np.random.rand(r, q)
# attempt to use the categories vector
a = A[categories, :, :]
b = B[categories]
# due to the shapes of the arrays, this multiplication is not possible
print('\nsingle step (error due to shapes of the matrix a')
print(b.shape, a.shape, S[categories].shape)
S[categories] = np.matmul(b, a)
(250, 4) (4, 9) (250, 9) (250, 9)
(262, 4) (4, 9) (262, 9) (262, 9)
(512, 9)

single step (error due to shapes of the 2nd matrix a).
(512, 4) (512, 4, 9) (512, 9)

CodePudding user response:

In [63]: (np.ones((512,4))@np.ones((512,4,9))).shape
Out[63]: (512, 512, 9)

This because the first array is broadcasted to (1,512,4). I think you want instead to do:

In [64]: (np.ones((512,1,4))@np.ones((512,4,9))).shape
Out[64]: (512, 1, 9)

Then remove the middle dimension to get a (512,9).

Another way:

In [72]: np.einsum('ij,ijk->ik', np.ones((512,4)), np.ones((512,4,9))).shape
Out[72]: (512, 9)

CodePudding user response:

To remove the loop altogether, you can try this

bigmask = np.arange(p)[:, np.newaxis] == categories
C = np.matmul(B, A)
res = C[np.broadcast_to(bigmask[..., np.newaxis], C.shape)].reshape(r, q)

# `res` has the same rows as the iterative `S` but in the wrong order
# so we need to reorder the rows
sort_index = np.argsort(np.broadcast_to(np.arange(r), bigmask.shape)[bigmask])
assert np.allclose(S, res[sort_index])

Though I'm not sure it's much faster than the iterative version.

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