I'm having troubles writing a regex that captures one space but not when surrounded by hex characters and starting with a escaping \
I should capture in these following lines :
.c ber
.cb ber
.test test
.\fc ker
.k ker
but not here :
.bob\fc ber
.\fc ber
Currently I came up with ((?<!(\\[\da-f][\da-f])) )
but this one does not handle the part where I need to capture the space not followed by a hex character.
I also tried (?<!\\[\da-f][\da-f]) (?![\da-f])
but this one does not match spaces that are followed by hex chars but are not preceded by hex chars.
CodePudding user response:
To let a lookahead only succeed if the negative lookbehind succeeds, it needs to be inside.
(?<!\\[a-f\d]{2}(?=.[a-f\d]))( )
The lookbehind checks if not preceded by two hex characters and a backslash containing a lookahead to only disallow if one character after the next is a hex character.