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How to use Delphi control to excel in the stick into the cad connection images


I prepared in an excel template, this template is the picture in the cad connection pictures, now to do so: made a format excel document is saved; Constructs an excel document, at a specific location with vba in construction document into the template document of a certain figure,
Who can help, what kind of instruction?

CodePudding user response:


FExcel: Variant;
FWorkbook: Variant;
FWorksheet: Variant;
The begin
FExcel:=CreateOleObject (' excel. Application);
Screen. The cursor:=crDefault;
MessageDlg (' Could not start Microsoft Excel! ', mtError, [mbCancel], 0);
The Exit;

FWorkBook:=FExcel WorkBooks. Add;
//FWorkSheet:=FWorkBook. WorkSheets. Add;
FWorkSheet:=FWorkBook WorkSheets [1].

//add code here to copy image to clipboard
FWorkSheet. Cells [1, 1]. PasteSpecial;//to the inside of the clipboard images pasted into the first row, first column
The finally
FExcel. Visible:=True;

CodePudding user response:

That's how I do, or not, or post with borders do not conform to the requirements

CodePudding user response:

Post your code to see,,,
What is the frame is not in conformity with the requirements?

CodePudding user response:

Procedure Tgcglfrm. Pstpic (sheet_s: olevariant);//from the gallery (excel file) copy the blanking sheet here
I, ys: integer;
Soup, sheet: olevariant;
The begin
Soup:=exl. Workbooks. Open (GCMGFLN. Value);
The finally
If ys=1 then
The begin
Sheet:=soup. Sheets [XLDFRM. BHC. Text];
The finally
If ys=1 then
The begin
Sheet. Range [' A2: f16]. Copy;
Sheet_s. Cells [2, 1]. PasteSpecial;


Sheet is a template file, sheet_s is the target file

CodePudding user response:

The above code from a file of copies of the main out of the picture on the clipboard, after but the execution to paste the clipboard operation "sheet_s. Cells (2, 1] PasteSpecial;" After no response, but manual paste can be labeled, images have been copied, just paste the code is invalid

CodePudding user response:

reference 5 floor sankis204112 reply:
the code from a file of copies of the main out of the picture on the clipboard, but perform the paste the clipboard operations "sheet_s. Cells (2, 1] PasteSpecial;" After no response, but manual paste can be labeled, images have been copied, just paste the code is invalid

Is that it didn't work: sheet_s) cells (2, 1]. PasteSpecial;

You will try not to sheet_s passed as a parameter, defined as a global variable called try,

CodePudding user response:

Just tried the useless, but can according to your thoughts and see where there is a problem
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