Private void button3_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
OleDbConnection conn=new OleDbConnection ();
Conn. The ConnectionString="Provider=Microsoft. Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0; The Data source=jiaowu. MDB ";
Conn. The Open ();
The DataTable dt=new DataTable ();
Dt. The Clear ();
Course number, string Cmd="select a. b. course name, a. student id, c. name, a. result from chengjibiao a, kechengxinxi b, xueshengxinxi c"
+ "where (a. course number=b. number) and (a. student id=c. Student id) and (b) teachers number='" + the UserInfo. Pwd +"') ";
OleDbCommand command=new OleDbCommand (Cmd, conn);
OleDbDataAdapter da=new OleDbDataAdapter ();
Da. SelectCommand=command;
Dt. The Clear ();
OleDbDataAdapter AdapterSelect=new OleDbDataAdapter (" course number, serial number, select a. a. b. course name, a. student id, c name, a. result from chengjibiao a, kechengxinxi b, xueshengxinxi c "
+ "where (a. course number=b. number) and (a. student id=c. Student id) and (b) teachers number='" + the UserInfo. Pwd +"') ", conn);
AdapterSelect. The Fill (dt);
DataGridView2. The DataSource=dt. DefaultView;
CodePudding user response:
How the problem of c # in Delphi?CodePudding user response:
Programmer, now, don't want to say...CodePudding user response:
Is the Delphi fire, incredibly can hair wrong here