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Ant the debug


Turn to the great god, using ant as errors in debug how to solve the
D: \ android \ workplace \ HelloCommandline> Ant the debug
Buildfile: D: \ android \ workplace \ HelloCommandline \ build XML

- set - mode - check:

- set - debug - files:

- check - env:
[checkenv] the Android SDK Tools Revision 23.0.2
[checkenv] Installed at D:/android/adt - bundle - Windows - x86_64-20140702 \ SDK

- setup:
Project Name: [echo] HelloCommandline
[gettype] Project Type: Application

- set - debug - mode:

- debug - obfuscation - check:

The pre - build:

- build - the setup:
[getbuildtools] Using the latest Build Tools: 20.0.0
[echo] Resolving the Build Target for HelloCommandline...
[gettarget] Project Target: Android 2.2
8 [gettarget] API level:
[gettarget] WARNING: No minSdkVersion value set. The Application will install on all Android versions.
[echo] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[echo] Creating output directories if men...
[the mkdir] Created dir: D: \ android \ workplace \ HelloCommandline \ bin \ rsObj
[the mkdir] Created dir: D: \ android \ workplace \ HelloCommandline \ bin \ rsLibs
[echo] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[echo] Resolving Dependencies for HelloCommandline...
[the dependency] Library dependencies:
[the dependency] No Libraries
[the dependency]
[the dependency] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[the dependency] API<=15: Adding annotations. The jar to the classpath.
[echo] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[echo] Building Libraries with 'debug'...
[subant] No sub - builds to iterate on

- code - gen:
[mergemanifest] Found does Target File
[mergemanifest] Merging AndroidManifest files into one.
[mergemanifest] Manifest merger disabled. Using project Manifest only.
[echo] Handling aidl files...
[aidl] No aidl files to compile.
[echo] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[echo] Handling RenderScript files...
[echo] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[echo] Handling Resources...
[aapt] Found does Target File
[aapt] Generating resource IDs...
[echo] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[echo] Handling BuildConfig class...
[buildconfig] Generating buildconfig class.

The pre - the compile:

- the compile:
[javac] the Compiling 2 source files to D: \ android \ workplace \ HelloCommandline \ bin \ classes
(javac) error: no longer support source option 5, please use the 7 or higher,
(javac) error: no longer support the target option 5, please use the 7 or higher,

D: \ android \ adt - bundle - Windows - x86_64-20140702 \ SDK \ tools \ ant \ build XML: 720: The following error occurred while executing this line:
D: \ android \ adt - bundle - Windows - x86_64-20140702 \ SDK \ tools \ ant \ build XML: 734: Compile failed; See the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 1 second
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