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Passing a php id to confirmation modal box


I'm trying to pass an php value to a confirmation modal box.

I tried some jquery i found but i didn't get how it work to pass my id to my modal box.

Here is the button when i click, it will show a confirmation modal box.

<a  data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#confirmation" data-id="<?=$val['id']?>"><i ></i> Move To Trashcan</a>

and this is the modal i'm trying to pass the value.

<div  id="confirmation" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
  <div  role="document">
    <div >
      <div >
        <h5  id="exampleModalLabel2">Confirmation</h5>
        <button type="button"  data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></button>
      <div >
        <div >
          <div >
            Are you sure want to delete this?
          <p id="debug-url"></p>
      <div >
        <button type="button"  data-bs-dismiss="modal">No</button>
        <button type="button"  onclick="window.location='http://localhost/NguyenTranTienHiep1/index.php/backend/delTempCat/'">Yes</button>

Here is the php which contain the button "Move to trashcan"

                              if ($data['category'] == NULL)
                                  echo "<td colspan='5' class='nothing'>THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE IN HERE!</td>";
                              foreach($data['category'] as $val): ?>
                                  <td><i ></i>
                                        echo "<i style='color:#7d8b9b;'>NULL</i>";
                                      foreach($data['allCat'] as $val1)
                                        if($val['parent'] == $val1['id'])
                                          echo $val1['category_name'];

                                  if ($val['status'] == 1)
                                      echo "<a href='".LINK."/backend/statusCat/".$val['id']."/0/'><span class='badge bg-label-primary me-1'>Active</span></a>";
                                      echo "<a href='".LINK."/backend/statusCat/".$val['id']."/1/'><span class='badge bg-label-warning me-1'>Inactive</span></a>";
                                      <div >
                                          <button type="button" 
                                              <i ></i>
                                          <div >
                                                      ></i> Edit</a>
                                                      ></i> Move To Trashcan</a>
                              <?php endforeach;?>

So when i click yes, it will call a delete php function with the id i passed. But, it just show the same link i write for onclick attribute.

Example: -The onclick attribute must be like this when i click "Move to trashcan" button of something.


CodePudding user response:

change show modal with function

<a  data-id="<?=$val['id']?>" onclick="moveToTrash(this)"><i ></i> Move To Trashcan</a>

remove on click in yor modal button Yes

<button type="button" >Yes</button>

create function moveToTrash whit jquery to get id and pass to modal and show the modal, set onclick button Yes in modal

function moveToTrash(elm) {
  let id = $(elm).data('id');
  let modal = $('#confirmation');
  modal.find('.btn-ok').on("click", function() {
    window.location = `http://localhost/NguyenTranTienHiep1/index.php/backend/delTempCat/${id}`
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