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Calculating resolution rate per sub category in python


I have a data frame like below. I have made the data frame shorter to put the idea across easily

`Category Issue WK 1 WK 2
Pending B C 1 2
Pending B E 3 4
Pending B R 4 5
Pending C C 1 2
Pending C E 3 4
Pending C R 4 5
Resolved C 1 2
Resolved E 3 4
Resolved R 4 5
----------: --------------: ----: :---:
Total 24 33

` Using the formulars below:

formular for WK 1 column

C-WK 1/(Total WK 1 - (sum of pending C WK 1))
E-WK 1/(Total WK 1 - (sum of pending C WK 1))
R-WK 1/(Total WK 1 - (sum of pending C WK 1))

formular for WK 2 column

C-WK 2/(Total WK 2 - (sum of pending C WK 2))
E-WK 2/(Total WK 2 - (sum of pending C WK 2))
R-WK 2/(Total WK 2 - (sum of pending C WK 2))`

at the end i want to have a data frame like below.

Category Issue WK 1 WK 2 WK 1(R) WK 2(R)
Resolved C 1 2 0.0625 0.090909
Resolved E 3 4 0.1875 0.181818
Resolved R 4 5 0.25 0.227273
----------: --------------: ----: :---: -------: :------:

CodePudding user response:

You can construct a function to calculate the columns of WK 1(R) and WK 2(R) and after that, use .loc to select the rows where "Category" is "Resolved".

def calculate_wk_resolution(df):
    # Calculate WK 1(R) and WK 2(R)
    df["WK 1(R)"] = df["WK 1"] / (df["WK 1"].sum() - df[df["Category"] == "Pending C"]["WK 1"].sum())
    df["WK 2(R)"] = df["WK 2"] / (df["WK 2"].sum() - df[df["Category"] == "Pending C"]["WK 2"].sum())

out = df.loc[df["Category"] == "Resolved", ["Category", "Issue", "WK 1", "WK 2", "WK 1(R)", "WK 2(R)"]]


   Category  Issue  WK 1  WK 2  WK 1(R)  WK 2(R)
6  Resolved     C     1     2   0.0625  0.090909
7  Resolved     E     3     4   0.1875  0.181818
8  Resolved     R     4     5   0.2500  0.227273
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