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iterator dereferencing cost a huge time


I solved a problem with Set operations like upperbound, iterator dereferencing etc. It solves in around 20 seconds. The general problem is I am iterating over group of numbers (i*(i-1)/2) until it is less than 2 * 10^5, and then complete a DP vector. So in my algorithm for each number "x" I get the upper_bound,"up", then starting from the beginning iterate over the numbers until reach to "up". The solution does the same but it does not run upper_bound and dereferencing, but instead it directly calculate the i*(i-1)/2, which i previously calculated and stored in vset. the number of operations for both algorithm is almost same, around 80*10^6, which is not super big number. But my code takes 20 seconds, solution needs 2 seconds.
Please look at my code and let me know if you need more information about this:

1- vset has 600 numbers, which is all numbers in the form of i*(i-1)/2; less than 2*10^5
2- vset is already sorted as it is increasing
3- the final vector "v" in both algorithm is exactly same
4- cnt, number of operation for both is almost same. 80,000,000
5- you can test the codes with n = 199977.
6- On my computer, corei7 32G RAM, it takes 20 seconds, on server accepted around 200 Mili seconds, this is very strange to me.

typedef long long int llint;
int n; cin >> n;
vector<llint> v(n 1, INT_MAX); 
llint p = 1;
llint node = 2;

llint cnt = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i  )
    if (v[i] == INT_MAX)
        for (int s = 1; (s * (s - 1)) / 2 <= i;   s)
            v[i] = min(v[i], v[i - (s * (s - 1)) / 2]   s) , cnt  ;
    else cnt    ;
cout << cnt << endl; // works in less than 2 seconds  

The Second solution takes 20 seconds.

typedef long long int llint;
int n; cin >> n;
vector<llint> v(n 1, INT_MAX); 
llint p = 1;
llint node = 2;
vector<int> vset;
while (p <= n) // only 600 numbers 
    v[p] = node;
    node  ;
    p = node * (node - 1) / 2;
llint cnt = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i  )
    if (v[i] == INT_MAX)
        auto up = upper_bound(vset.begin(), vset.end(), i);
        for (auto it = vset.begin(); it != up; it  ) // at most 600 iteration
            cnt  ;
            int j = *it;
            v[i] = min(v[j]   v[i - j], v[i]);
    else cnt    ;
cout << cnt << endl; // cnt for both is around 84,000,000   

So the question is about something I cannot figure out: which operation(s) here is expensive? going through the iterator? dereferencing the iterator? there is no more difference here but the time is TEN TIMES MORE. thanks

CodePudding user response:

Thanks to all guys that commented and helped me to figure out the issue. I realized that the reason that I have slow performance was Debug Mode. So I changed it to Release Mode and it works in less than 2 seconds. There is a similar question, may help you more. I used Visual Studio C on Windows 10

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