Home > Back-end >  Find all the countries Birthrate lower than 20, group them by region, find lowest birthrate region
Find all the countries Birthrate lower than 20, group them by region, find lowest birthrate region


    _id: ObjectId("63a9678da72f51f8dc89dfcf"),
    Country: 'Afghanistan',
    Region: 'ASIA (EX. NEAR EAST)',
    Population: 31056997,
    'Area (sq': { ' mi': { ')': 647500 } },
    'Net migration': '23,06',
    Climate: 0,
    Birthrate: 46.6,
    Deathrate: 20.34,
    Agriculture: 0.38,

This is the mongo collection data. i need to find all the countries Birthrate lower than 20, group them by region, find lowest birthrate region


I tried this but not getting output.

CodePudding user response:

You can use this aggregation query:

  • First $match only birthrates lower than desired value.
  • Then $sort by Birthrate to get the lowest value at first position.
  • And last $group by region using $first. As documents are sorted, the first value will be the lowest.
    "$match": {
      "Birthrate": {
        "$lt": 20
    "$sort": {
      "Birthrate": 1
    "$group": {
      "_id": "$Region",
      "Birthrate": {
        "$first": "$Birthrate"

Example here.

Also if you want to get all values from the document and not only Birthrate you can use "$first": "$$ROOT" like this example

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