Home > Back-end >  How can I get the first state after a certain condition in SQL?
How can I get the first state after a certain condition in SQL?


In SQL, I have data that I have brought with a certain condition. Here's how I pull data with [Status] = 0 from the table. But the table still has data with [Status] = 1 and [Status] = 2. After the data I want [Status] = 0, I also want to get [CL_Name] with the same name with [Status] = 1 or [Status] = 2. I couldn't do this. My sample table is as follows.

Name TIMESTAMP Equipment CL_Name Status
gluing_conveyor 2023-01-03 16:45:34.243 A Stabilizer 0
gluing_conveyor 2023-01-03 16:50:34.247 A Stabilizer 0
gluing_conveyor 2023-01-03 16:55:34.247 A Stabilizer 0
gluing_conveyor 2023-01-03 17:00:34.247 A Stabilizer 1
gluing_conveyor 2023-01-03 17:05:34.247 A Stabilizer 1
rolling platform 2023-01-03 18:05:34.247 B Vacuum 0
rolling platform 2023-01-03 18:10:34.247 B Vacuum 1
rolling platform 2023-01-03 18:15:34.247 B Vacuum 1

What I want is to return [Status] = 0 here and each [CL_Name] [Status] = 0 depending on whether the next [Status] = 1 or [Status] = 2

My SQL code is like this:

 SELECT [Name]
      --,(case when [Status] > 0 then [TIMESTAMP] end) OVER ( PARTITION BY [CL_Name]) as EndTime
  FROM [dbo].[Cockpit]
  where [TIMESTAMP] > DATEADD(day,-1,GETDATE()) and [Status] = 0
  group by [Name], [Equipment], [Name], [TIMESTAMP], [Status]

The table I'm trying to make looks like this

Name TIMESTAMP Equipment CL_Name Status TotalTimeMin
gluing_conveyor 2023-01-03 16:45:34.243 A Stabilizer 0 15
gluing_conveyor 2023-01-03 17:00:34.247 A Stabilizer 1
rolling platform 2023-01-03 18:05:34.247 B Vacuum 0 5
rolling platform 2023-01-03 18:10:34.247 B Vacuum 1

How can I do this query?

CodePudding user response:

Syntax is slightly different because don't have SQL server now, but logic should be same.

  1. Select the values you want, i.e., only keep records for what you want
  2. Calculate Min where status =0 and min where status =1 (columns - status_0_ts, status_1_ts)
  3. if the Status =0 then subtract those 2 columns and calculate the difference else NULL

P.S. - This is missing the [TIMESTAMP] > DATEADD(day,-1,GETDATE()) feel free to add it where you see fit


Select *, 
min(case when "Status" = 0 then "min_timestamp" else null end) over (partition by "Name", "CL_Name", "Equipment") status_0_ts,
min(case when "Status" = 1 then "min_timestamp" else null end) over (partition by "Name", "CL_Name", "Equipment") status_1_ts,
CASE WHEN "Status" = 0 
    min(case when "Status" = 0 then "min_timestamp" else null end) over (partition by "Name", "CL_Name", "Equipment") -
    min(case when "Status" = 1 then "min_timestamp" else null end) over (partition by "Name", "CL_Name", "Equipment") 
  else null 
end as time_diff
    SELECT "Name", "CL_Name", "Equipment", "Status", min("TIMESTAMP") as "min_timestamp"
    group by "Name", "CL_Name", "Equipment", "Status"
) K
order by "Name" asc ,"Status" asc

Output: enter image description here

Name CL_Name Equipment Status min_timestamp status_0_ts status_1_ts time_diff
gluing_conveyor Stabilizer A 0 2023-01-03T16:45:34Z 2023-01-03T16:45:34Z 2023-01-03T17:00:34Z 0 years 0 mons 0 days 0 hours -15 mins -0.00 secs
gluing_conveyor Stabilizer A 1 2023-01-03T17:00:34Z 2023-01-03T16:45:34Z 2023-01-03T17:00:34Z (null)
rolling platform Vacuum B 0 2023-01-03T18:05:34Z 2023-01-03T18:05:34Z 2023-01-03T18:10:34Z 0 years 0 mons 0 days 0 hours -5 mins -0.00 secs
rolling platform Vacuum B 1 2023-01-03T18:10:34Z 2023-01-03T18:05:34Z 2023-01-03T18:10:34Z (null)
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