Home > Back-end >  Mongoose/MongoDB: How can I $inc only the first value I get from an array?
Mongoose/MongoDB: How can I $inc only the first value I get from an array?


I have a Mongoose Schema that looks like this:

 _id: ObjectID,
 storage: [{
    location: String,
    storedFood: [{
      code: String,
      name: String,
      weight: Number

And for example in storedFood can be the same Food twice. But I only want to update one of the weights of these items. This is my code to $inc all of the items.... How can I reduce this to only one?

    const deletedFoodFromStorage = await User.updateOne(
        {_id: user, "storage.location": location},
        { $inc: {"storage.$.storedFood.$[food].weight": -weight}},
        { arrayFilters: [ { "food.code": code } ]},
    res.status(400).json('Error: '   err)


CodePudding user response:

Should have been a simple one. Only way I found at the moment is not simple:

  {_id: user, "storage.location": location},
    {$set: {
      newItem: {
        $reduce: {
          input: {$getField: {
              input: {$first: {$filter: {
                        input: "$storage",
                        as: "st",
                        cond: {$eq: ["$$st.location", location]}
              field: "storedFood"
          initialValue: [],
          in: {$concatArrays: [
              {$cond: [
                  {$and: [
                      {$eq: ["$$this.code", code]},
                      {$not: {$in: [code, "$$value.code"]}}
                  [{$mergeObjects: [
                        {weight: {$subtract: ["$$this.weight", weight]}}
  {$set: {
      storage: {
        $map: {
          input: "$storage",
          in: {$cond: [
              {$eq: ["$$this.location", location]},
              {$mergeObjects: ["$$this", {storedFood: "$newItem"}]},
      newItem: "$$REMOVE"

See how it works on the playground example

CodePudding user response:

Borrowing liberally from nimrod serok's answer, here's one way to do it with a single pass through all the arrays. I suspect this can be improved, at least for clarity.

  _id: user,
  "storage.location": location
    "$set": {
      "storage": {
        "$map": {
          "input": "$storage",
          "as": "store",
          "in": {
            "$cond": [
              {"$ne": ["$$store.location", location]},
                "$mergeObjects": [
                    "storedFood": {
                      "$getField": {
                        "field": "theFoods",
                        "input": {
                          "$reduce": {
                            "input": "$$store.storedFood",
                            "initialValue": {
                              "incOne": false,
                              "theFoods": []
                            "in": {
                              "$cond": [
                                  "incOne": "$$value.incOne",
                                  "theFoods": {
                                    "$concatArrays": [
                                  "$cond": [
                                    {"$ne": ["$$this.code", code]},
                                      "incOne": "$$value.incOne",
                                      "theFoods": {
                                        "$concatArrays": [
                                      "incOne": true,
                                      "theFoods": {
                                        "$concatArrays": [
                                              "$mergeObjects": [
                                                {"weight": {"$add": ["$$this.weight", -weight]}}

Try it on mongoplayground.net.

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