Thank you in advance for any help.
I have a list that will auto generate different values. An example is shown below.
[nan, 'RcLE858223862', 'ALTx674402122', 'XCvw626987396', 'Bdcp710236861']
I'm trying to find a way to convert this list into the following format
VariableValue = Value1=RcLE858223862&Value2=ALTx674402122&Value3=XCvw626987396&Value4=Bdcp710236861
The conversion will,
- Remove the null nan value,
- Count the number of values and have that count value be reflected in the Value (Value1, Value2, etc..)
Been trying for a few hours and still not having much luck.
Again, any advice is appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
CodePudding user response:
We can do this in two steps. First remove the nan values from the list. Then use a list comprehension to generate the output you want.
inp = [nan, 'RcLE858223862', 'ALTx674402122', 'XCvw626987396', 'Bdcp710236861']
inp = [i for i in inp if str(i) != "nan"]
lst = [f"Value{i 1}={inp[i]}" for i in range(len(inp))]
output = '&'.join(lst)
# Value1=RcLE858223862&Value2=ALTx674402122&Value3=XCvw626987396&Value4=Bdcp710236861
CodePudding user response:
Something like?
>>> '&'.join([f'Value{j}={v}' for j, v in enumerate(
[i for i in lst if i is not float(nan)], 1)])