Lets say I run
dotnet publish --configuration Release or Debug ...
Can I determ in code that this is an Published version?
I would like to have something like this.
if(<something>.IsPublished && !hostContext.HostingEnvironment.IsProduction()) throw new NotSupportedException("Published apps support only Production environment"
I'm aware of Debug,Release switches. This is not what i'm looking for.
CodePudding user response:
Creating a separate configuration other than Debug & Release would allow you to have compile-time checks. I.e. you can have code that won't even exist in your Debug
Let's create one called Published
Depending how you manage your projects, there are several ways to do this.
If you use VS and a solution file
Right-click on your solution, and pick Configuration Manager...
Under the Active solution configuration:
dropdown, select <New...>
- Name:
- Copy settings from:
- Create new project configs: ✔
If you are only using a .csproj file with no .sln
Add the following to your .csproj file:
This will result in the definition of a compile-time symbol called PUBLISHED
You can then use it in a compile-time check like so:
throw new NotSupportedException("Sorry..");
You then do your usual dotnet publish -c Published