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What's wrong with my R function to calculate SMAPE by month?


I am new at writing functions in R, and I am trying to calculate Symmetric Mean Absolute Error (SMAPE) performance by month for one of my models. The basic function works but calculates a single value instead of different values for each month in the dataset. Here is a reproducible example:

structure(list(date = structure(c(18948, 18949, 18950, 18951, 
18952, 18953, 18954, 18955, 18956, 18957, 18958, 18959, 18960, 
18961, 18962, 18963, 18964, 18965, 18966, 18967, 18968, 18969, 
18970, 18971, 18972, 18973, 18974, 18975, 18976, 18977, 18978, 
18979, 18980, 18981, 18982, 18983, 18984, 18985, 18986, 18987, 
18988, 18989, 18990, 18991, 18992, 18993, 18994, 18995, 18996, 
18997, 18998, 18999, 19000, 19001, 19002, 19003, 19004, 19005, 
19006, 19007, 19008, 19009, 19010, 19011, 19012, 19013, 19014, 
19015, 19016, 19017, 19018, 19019, 19020, 19021, 19022, 19023, 
19024, 19025, 19026, 19027, 19028, 19029, 19030, 19031, 19032, 
19033, 19034, 19035, 19036, 19037, 19038, 19039, 19040, 19041, 
19042, 19043), class = "Date"), actual = c(2875, 2755, 2440, 
2220, 1378, 1352, 2616, 1709, 1475, 2315, 2223, 4357, 3037, 1725, 
2332, 2358, 3135, 3232, 3497, 2876, 2971, 3530, 4268, 4692, 3589, 
3496, 4233, 4336, 5810, 6943, 8921, 7491, 8607, 10450, 11309, 
13367, 18607, 23426, 19244, 29256, 21001, 27023, 29346, 39840, 
41210, 37503, 38473, 35618, 40713, 39363, 43142, 44309, 38706, 
34988, 33483, 28847, 32719, 31248, 31502, 19896, 19025, 23586, 
20977, 22323, 23900, 22966, 15038, 14283, 15827, 13900, 18274, 
18325, 17514, 10616, 8828, 10580, 8888, 15072, 14208, 14426, 
7815, 6841, 7257, 8003, 11034, 10637, 10189, 6143, 4401, 5911, 
6164, 8030, 10151, 4180, 6929, 3377), consensus2 = c(2899, 2735, 
2485, 2199, 1297, 1414, 3026, 1535, 1588, 2435, 2341, 3095, 2241, 
2480, 3098, 2513, 2886, 3289, 3427, 3060, 3050, 3564, 3803, 4204, 
3188, 3184, 4071, 4063, 4974, 5839, 6641, 6146, 6620, 8446, 11112, 
13071, 14963, 18807, 20670, 21149, 22824, 28484, 29376, 31969, 
37669, 37706, 42511, 39104, 41362, 44855, 48043, 46670, 40384.96296, 
42612.53704, 37730, 38351, 33813, 35651, 31475, 19364, 19364, 
19892, 20436, 21114, 21221, 23002, 18035, 15320, 16292, 15735, 
14726, 17844, 17635.77778, 11904.48148, 10763.7037, 9986.611111, 
9986.611111, 10604.22222, 14246.90741, 14113.55556, 9113.425926, 
8236.5, 8759.888889, 7436.462963, 10489.37037, 10507.09259, 9969.5, 
5272.111111, 5729.092593, 5989.055556, 6245, 8267.314815, 7844.481481, 
3176.703704, 8661.944444, 3320.055556)), row.names = c(NA, -96L
), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))


 data<- data %>% dplyr::select (date, actual, consensus2) %>% 

data$month<- lubridate::month(data$date,label = TRUE)
data<- data %>% mutate(month= as.factor(month))


smape1 <- function(a, f)  {for (i in 1:(nlevels(data$month))) { return (1/length(a) * sum(2*abs(f-a) / (abs(a) abs(f))*100))}} 

SMAPE_bymonth<- by(data,data$month, function(a,f)smape1(data$actual,data$consensus2))

CodePudding user response:

Not clear about the for loop inside the smape1 function. If we remove that and create the function with two arguments (a, f) that takes the columns from the data, then we just need to group by the 'month' and apply the function by selecting those columns

smape2 <- function(a, f) 

    return(1/length(a) * sum(2*abs(f-a) / (abs(a) abs(f))*100))
data %>%
    group_by(month) %>% 
    summarise(smape = smape2(actual, consensus2), .groups = 'drop')
# A tibble: 4 × 2
  month smape
  <ord> <dbl>
1 Jan    8.87
2 Feb   12.1 
3 Nov   11.3 
4 Dec   12.0 

Or using by, the lambda function function(x) returns the blocks of grouped data from the first argument, which is used as input argument after extracting the column 'actual', 'consensus2' instead of from the whole data (data$)

 by(data, droplevels(data$month), function(x) smape2(x$actual,x$consensus2))
droplevels(data$month): Jan
[1] 8.870074
droplevels(data$month): Feb
[1] 12.05893
droplevels(data$month): Nov
[1] 11.26306
droplevels(data$month): Dec
[1] 11.96994
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