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How to show a and hide a widget when a special symbol is inputted on the textfield


I am listening to changes of the textfield using the onChanged property of the textfield to detect when @ symbol is pressed. It's just like a mention feature in every other social apps. I want to know when @ symbol is pressed alongside other values and then show a mention widget until space is entered, then remove the mention widget.

What i want to achieve

  1. Detect when @ symbol is pressed, then show the mention widget, if another value is entered then remove the mention widget.

  2. If @ is detected in the middle of texts show mention widget

What i have tried

I use regEx to detect the values with @ and print the matched value. I don't really know how to show the mention widget at the first regEx logic. I then split the textfield values and use a different regEx pattern to check if any value matched then show the mention widget.

It doesn't work as expected. When scrolled to the middle of the texts in the textfields and add @ to a text, the mention widget doesn't trigger.

onChanged property code

 void onChanged(String value) { 
    final _mentionRegEx = RegExp(AppUtils.mentionPattern, caseSensitive: false);
    final _checkRegEx = RegExp(
      r"^@[a-zA-Z0-9_ ] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*$",
      // caseSensitive: false,
      multiLine: true,
    Iterable<Match> matches = _mentionRegEx.allMatches(value);

    for (var m in matches) {
      String match = m[0]!;
      final withoutMentonTag = match.substring(1);
      state = state.copyWith(matched: withoutMentonTag);
      print('MENTION => ${state.matched}');

    final sentences = value.split(' ');
    for (var sentence in sentences) {
      print('SENTENCE => $sentence');
      final words = sentence.split(' ');
      final withMentionTag = words.last;

      if (_checkRegEx.hasMatch(sentence)) {
        String withoutMentionTag = withMentionTag.substring(1);
        print('MENTIONED USER => $withoutMentionTag');
      } else {

CodePudding user response:

You can try this package from pub.dev. It provides mention feature in an Input Text Field

   key: key,
   suggestionPosition: SuggestionPosition.Top,
   maxLines: 5,
   minLines: 1,
   mentions: [
      trigger: "@",
      style: TextStyle(color: Colors.purple),
      data: [
           "id": "61as61fsa",
           "display": "somename",
           "photo": "https://images.pexels.com/photos/220453/pexels- 
           "id": "61asasgasgsag6a",
           "display": "username",
           "photo": "https://images.pexels.com/photos/220453/pexels- 
            style: TextStyle(color: Colors.green),

CodePudding user response:

you can create a bool (default : true) in your state which changes to false when you detect the special symbol in your textfield and based on it's value you decide if you show your widget on not.

CodePudding user response:

Your regular expression is incorrect:

    final _checkRegEx = RegExp(
      r"^@[a-zA-Z0-9_ ] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*$",
      // caseSensitive: false,
      multiLine: true,

Refer to the spec:

^ always matches only at the beginning of Input, or (if Multiline is true) at the beginning of a line.

Since your regular expression specifies ^ and multiLine: true, it will match only when the @ character is at the beginning of the text, or the beginning of a line.

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