I am decoding my token and trying to retreive the userID from the claim I have set in the token. I am trying to get the userID from the token with regex but the response is undefined
As you can see I am doing the same thing with the token but that is working and I cannot see why it is going wrong with the ID.
onSubmitLogin() {
this.userLogin.userEmail = this.formLogin.value.userEmail;
this.userLogin.userPassword = this.formLogin.value.userPassword;
var regextoken = /(?<=value":").*?(?=")/g;
var regexid = /(?<=name": ").*?(?=")/g;
(data) => {
var tokenregex = JSON.stringify(data).match(regextoken);
var token = tokenregex?.[0];
this.userLogin.token = token!;
//decode token
var decodedToken = jwt.decodeToken(token!);
var idregex = JSON.stringify(decodedToken).match(regexid);
var id = idregex?.[0];
//localStorage.setItem('id', id);
console.log("ID: " id);
This is my response in the console: ID: undefined
CodePudding user response:
Remove the space in (?<=name": ")
Try this:
var regexid = /(?<=name":").*?(?=")/g;