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Pyspark- get unique URLs count for two days


I am working with pyspark for the first time and I want to get unique URLs count for consecutively two days. Suppose, one URLs comes in the system today and if that also comes tomorrow, I do NOT want to count that in tomorrow's unique counts. Columns are Date and Url_path

input enter image description here

expected output enter image description here I tried this

    df.groupBy( F.window(df['date'], "2 day"))

but it's giving me unique counts for that window. I want to get Net New counts for every single day.

CodePudding user response:

I can think this as dropping duplicates with condition then count. The condition is that when the same host_path appears within yesterday or today.

w = Window.partitionBy('host_path').orderBy('date')
# If the last time of the same host_path is more than 1 day, uniq_flag is True (it is unique)
df = (df.withColumn('uniq_flag', F.datediff(F.col('date'), F.lag('date').over(w)) > 1)
      # I will only need to count when it is unique or first time
      # (uniq_flag = None when first time)
      .filter(F.col('uniq_flag').isNull() | (F.col('uniq_flag') == True))

CodePudding user response:

You can achieve your desired result like this,

  1. Prepping the dataframe
data = [('1/1/2023', 'abc.com'), ('1/1/2023', 'abc.com'), ('1/1/2023', 'xyz.com'), ('1/2/2023', 'abc.com'), ('1/2/2023', 'jkl.com'), ('1/3/2023', 'abc.com'), ('1/4/2023', 'abc.com'), ('1/4/2023', 'jkl.com'), ('1/4/2023', 'mno.com'), ('1/4/2023', 'mno.com')]

schema = ['date', 'host_path']

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema)



 -------- --------- 
|    date|host_path|
 -------- --------- 
|1/1/2023|  abc.com|
|1/1/2023|  abc.com|
|1/1/2023|  xyz.com|
|1/2/2023|  abc.com|
|1/2/2023|  jkl.com|
|1/3/2023|  abc.com|
|1/4/2023|  abc.com|
|1/4/2023|  jkl.com|
|1/4/2023|  mno.com|
|1/4/2023|  mno.com|
 -------- --------- 
  1. Use collect_set() to collect all the urls for that day without any duplicates.
from pyspark.sql import Window

w = Window.partitionBy('date').orderBy('date')

df = df.withColumn("all_urls", F.collect_set("host_path").over(w))

df = df.dropDuplicates(['date', 'all_urls'])



 -------- --------- --------------------------- 
|date    |host_path|all_urls                   |
 -------- --------- --------------------------- 
|1/1/2023|abc.com  |[xyz.com, abc.com]         |
|1/2/2023|abc.com  |[jkl.com, abc.com]         |
|1/3/2023|abc.com  |[abc.com]                  |
|1/4/2023|abc.com  |[jkl.com, mno.com, abc.com]|
 -------- --------- --------------------------- 
  1. Use lag() to get the URLs that came one day prior
w1 = Window.orderBy('date')

df = df.withColumn("lag_urls", F.lag("all_urls", 1).over(w1))



 -------- --------- --------------------------- ------------------ 
|date    |host_path|all_urls                   |lag_urls          |
 -------- --------- --------------------------- ------------------ 
|1/1/2023|abc.com  |[xyz.com, abc.com]         |null              |
|1/2/2023|abc.com  |[jkl.com, abc.com]         |[xyz.com, abc.com]|
|1/3/2023|abc.com  |[abc.com]                  |[jkl.com, abc.com]|
|1/4/2023|abc.com  |[jkl.com, mno.com, abc.com]|[abc.com]         |
 -------- --------- --------------------------- ------------------ 
  1. Get the difference between all_urls and lag_urls using array_except
df = df.withColumn('difference', F.array_except('all_urls', 'lag_urls'))



 -------- --------- --------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ 
|date    |host_path|all_urls                   |lag_urls          |difference        |
 -------- --------- --------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ 
|1/1/2023|abc.com  |[xyz.com, abc.com]         |null              |null              |
|1/2/2023|abc.com  |[jkl.com, abc.com]         |[xyz.com, abc.com]|[jkl.com]         |
|1/3/2023|abc.com  |[abc.com]                  |[jkl.com, abc.com]|[]                |
|1/4/2023|abc.com  |[jkl.com, mno.com, abc.com]|[abc.com]         |[jkl.com, mno.com]|
 -------- --------- --------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ 
  1. Get the size/length of the arrays in the difference column and if null then get the size/length from all_urls
df.withColumn("unique_urls", F.when(F.size(F.col("difference")) < 0, F.size(F.col("all_urls"))).otherwise(F.size(F.col("difference")))).select("date", "unique_urls").show(truncate=False)


 -------- ----------- 
|date    |unique_urls|
 -------- ----------- 
|1/1/2023|2          |
|1/2/2023|1          |
|1/3/2023|0          |
|1/4/2023|2          |
 -------- ----------- 
  1. So, everything together looks like this,
from pyspark.sql import Window

w = Window.partitionBy('date').orderBy('date')

w1 = Window.orderBy('date')

df = df.withColumn("all_urls", F.collect_set("host_path").over(w)) \
        .dropDuplicates(['date', 'all_urls']) \
        .withColumn("lag_urls", F.lag("all_urls", 1).over(w1)) \
        .withColumn('difference', F.array_except('all_urls', 'lag_urls')) \
        .withColumn("unique_urls", F.when(F.size(F.col("difference")) < 0, F.size(F.col("all_urls"))).otherwise(F.size(F.col("difference")))) \
        .select("date", "unique_urls")



 -------- ----------- 
|date    |unique_urls|
 -------- ----------- 
|1/1/2023|2          |
|1/2/2023|1          |
|1/3/2023|0          |
|1/4/2023|2          |
 -------- ----------- 
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