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Page not found(404) : No category matches the given query


Below is my error

Page not found(404)

No category matches the given query.

request method: GET
Request URL:
Raised by:  store.views.product_in_category

Using the URLconf defined in rhizomeedu_prj.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

store/ [name='product_all']
store/ <slug:category_slug>/ [name='product_in_category']

The current path, store/slug/, matched the last one.

And this is the model of Category.

class Category(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200, db_index=True)
    meta_description = models.TextField(blank=True)

    slug = models.SlugField(max_length=200, db_index=True, unique=True, allow_unicode=True)

    class Meta:
        ordering = ['name']
        verbose_name = 'category'
        verbose_name_plural = 'categories'

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse('store:product_in_category', args={"slug":self.slug})

Related part of views.py

def product_in_category(request, category_slug=None):
    current_category = None
    categories = Category.objects.all()
    products = Product.objects.filter(available_display=True)

    if category_slug:
        current_category = get_object_or_404(Category, slug=category_slug)
        products = products.filter(category=current_category)

    return render(request, 'store/product_list.html',
                  {'current_category': current_category, 'categories': categories, 'products': products})

And this is whole urls.py

 from django.urls import path, include
from .views import *

app_name = 'store'

urlpatterns = [
    path('', product_in_category, name="product_all"),
    path('<slug:category_slug>/', product_in_category, name="product_in_category"),
    path('<int:id>/<product_slug>/', ProductDetail.product_detail, name="product_detail"),
    path('create_product/', ProductCreate.as_view()),
    path('cart/', detail, name='detail'),
    path('add/<int:product_id>/', add, name='item_add'),
    path('remove/<int:product_id>/', remove, name='item_remove'),
    path('orders/create/', order_create, name='order_create'),
    path('orders/create_ajax/', OrderCreateAjaxView.as_view(), name='order_create_ajax'),
    path('orders/checkout/', OrderCheckoutAjaxView.as_view(), name='order_checkout'),
    path('orders/validation/', OrderImpAjaxView.as_view(), name='order_validation'),
    path('orders/complete/', order_complete, name='order_complete'),
    path('admin/order/<int:order_id>/', admin_order_detail, name='admin_order_detail'),
    path('admin/order/<int:order_id>/pdf/', admin_order_pdf, name='admin_order_pdf'),
    path('cart/', detail, name='detail'),
    path('cart/add/<int:product_id>/', add, name='product_add'),
    path('cart/remove/<int:product_id>/', remove, name='product_remove'),

Lastly, this is related part of the template product_list.html

<div >
            <ul >
                <li >
                    <a  href="/store/">전체</a>
                {% for c in categories %}
                <li >
                    <a  href="{{c.get_absolute_url}}" style="color:black">{{c.name}}</a>
                {% endfor %}

Every time I click category other than 'All', it raises error mentioned before.

Also the url turns '' which is bizzare because there's no category named 'slug'. What's wrong with my code? Help me.

CodePudding user response:

I guess this is wrong:

def get_absolute_url(self):
    return reverse('store:product_in_category', args={"slug":self.slug})

and needs to be changed to:

def get_absolute_url(self):
    return reverse('store:product_in_category', args={"category_slug":self.slug})

CodePudding user response:

args used instead of kwargs and wrong parameter name.

use this

return reverse('store:product_in_category', kwargs={"category_slug": self.slug})

CodePudding user response:

Check this by changing get_absolute_url,

def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse("store:product_in_category", args=[str(self.slug)])

and the reason for 404 page not found error might be because there's no category object with category_slug you are passing and it shows error in this line,

current_category = get_object_or_404(Category, slug=category_slug)
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