Procedure TForm1. Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
The begin
HTTPRIO1. WSDLLocation:=' WSDL ';
HTTPRIO1. HTTPWebNode. UseUTF8InHeader:=true;
HTTPRIO1. Service:='JYYWXTService';
HTTPRIO1. Port:='JYYWXTServiceSoap';
SaveServe:=HTTPRIO1 as JYYWXTServiceSoap;
Memo1. Lines. The Add (SaveServe UploadData (' 21010117113000001 ', '18 c55', 'B1, B2, B3,'));//UploadData interface function
The end;
Now switch to the " WSD "don't know how to call UploadData.
CodePudding user response:
You can find it on the Internet, but this method is more troublesome, get files need to parseCodePudding user response:
There are two ways:1, want to try, slowly with THTTPRIO and TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket, still should have a CookieManagement control, or can't remember,
2. Use TIdHttp join TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket, caught and then simulate the out-contracting IdHttp. Post ();
CodePudding user response:
IdSSLIOHandlerSocket. Method:=sslvSSLv23; Mode:=ssImBoth;IdHttp. IOHandler:=IdSSLIOHandlerSocket;
You also need to use libeay32. DLL and ssleay32. Two DLL DLL, can be downloaded from the Internet
CodePudding user response:
Call the HTTPS need libeay32. DLL and ssleay32. DLL.
The function TFrmMain. IdHTTPCallWebservice (RequestSOAPHeader: string; Var Response: string) : Boolean;
Sends: TStringList;
ResponseStream: TStringStream;
Err_code: string;
The begin
ResponseStream:=TStringstream. Create (' ', TEncoding UTF8);
//idhttp1. IOHandler:=TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL. Create (self);
Idhttp1. AllowCookies:=false;
Idhttp1. HandleRedirects:=false;
IdHttp1. Request. ContentType:="text/XML";
//idHttp1. Request. ContentType:='application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded';
IdHttp1. Request. Charset:="utf-8";
IdHttp1. HTTPOptions:=[];//close the automatic coding
Sends:=TStringList. Create;
Sends. Text:=RequestSOAPHeader;
Idhttp1. Post (Webservice_url, sends, ResponseStream);
Mmo1. Lines. The Clear;
Response:=ReplaceXMLSpecialChr (ResponseStream. DataString);
If CheckWebservicefault (Response, err_code) then
The begin
Mmo1. Lines. The Add (Response);
Mmo1. Lines. SaveToFile (extractfilepath (ParamStr (0)) + 'log \' + edtTRANSACTION_ID. Text + FormatDateTime (" yyyyMMddHHmmss ", now) + 'log');
ShowMessage (err_code);
The else
The begin
Mmo1. Lines. The Add (Response);
Mmo1. Lines. SaveToFile (extractfilepath (ParamStr (0)) + 'log \' + edtTRANSACTION_ID. Text + FormatDateTime (" yyyyMMddHHmmss ", now) + 'log');
The end;
The end;