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Can you help me transpose this data from rows into columns?


Sample Input:

YearNum WeekNum DayNum Hours
2023 1 1 28.40
2023 1 3 33.09
2023 1 4 35.20
2023 1 5 32.77
2023 1 6 37.15
2023 1 7 40.18
2023 2 1 29.43
2023 2 3 19.43
2023 2 4 36.62
2023 2 5 34.81
2023 2 6 38.50
2023 2 7 41.98
2023 3 1 29.09
2023 3 3 28.63
2023 3 4 41.59

I'm attempting to write sql to transpose the records in the sample input table to obtain the final product as shown in the following output.

Expected Output:

YearNum WeekNum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total_Hours
2023 1 28.40 0.0 33.09 35.20 32.77 37.15 40.18 206.79
2023 2 29.43 0.0 19.43 36.62 34.81 38.50 41.98 200.77
2023 3 29.09 0.0 28.63 41.59 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.31

Notice that the OUTPUT has all 7 days (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) even when the INPUT doesn't have that info.

How would I do this?

CodePudding user response:

Can you try out the following script and see if it will be of help?

    YearNum, WeekNum,
    MAX(CASE WHEN DayNum = 1 THEN Hours END) AS [1],
    MAX(CASE WHEN DayNum = 2 THEN Hours END) AS [2],
    MAX(CASE WHEN DayNum = 3 THEN Hours END) AS [3],
    MAX(CASE WHEN DayNum = 4 THEN Hours END) AS [4],
    MAX(CASE WHEN DayNum = 5 THEN Hours END) AS [5],
    MAX(CASE WHEN DayNum = 6 THEN Hours END) AS [6],
    MAX(CASE WHEN DayNum = 7 THEN Hours END) AS [7],
    SUM(Hours) AS Total_Hours
GROUP BY YearNum, WeekNum;
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