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Spinner program exectues in Pycharm IDE but not in zsh terminal


I'm using Pycharm Community Edition 2022 for running this simple Python program.

This spinner program is supposed to rotate the line in place for a number of 50 times with a delay so it's smoothes out the movement.

This is the working code:


import time

spinner_items = "\\|/—"

for _ in range(50):
    for item in spinner_items:
        print(item, end = "")
        print('\b', end="")`

My problem is when I try to run the program in the terminal with the command python spinner.py it doesn't output anything.

PyCharm Run result, how it should output:

enter image description here

Terminal command result (why is it stuck?):

enter image description here

Why doesn't the terminal output the same as the Pycharm IDE? What could there be done so the terminal has the same output as the IDE?

I expected that the PyCharm IDE and the terminal output to be the same, being that it's the same program.

CodePudding user response:

  1. Use flush=True

     import time
     spinner_items = "\\|/—"
     for _ in range(50):
         for item in spinner_items:
             print(item, end="", flush=True)
             print('\b', end="", flush=True)
  2. Use -u option, python -u spinner.py

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