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The realization of the list



#include Mu e *//* malloc ()
#include/* EOF (=^ Z? OF6), NULL */
#include/* atoi () */
using namespace std;
# define the ERROR 0;
# define OK 1;
Typedef int the Status;
Typedef int ElemType;

Typedef struct Lnode
ElemType date;
Struct Lnode * next;
} Lnode * LinList;

The Status Getdate (LinList L, int I)
LinList q;
Int j=1;
Q=L - & gt; next;
While (q& & J{
Q=q - & gt; next;
If (j> I | |! Q)
return ERROR;

Return the q - & gt; The date;

The Status InsertLin (int I LinList L, ElemType e)
Int j=0;
LinList q, p;
While (q& & J{
Q=q - & gt; next;
if(! Q | | j> I - 1)
return ERROR;

P=(LinList) malloc (sizeof (Lnode));
P - & gt; The date=e;
P - & gt; Next=q - & gt; next;
Q - & gt; Next=p;
return OK;

The Status DeleteLin (LinList L, int I)
Int j=0;
LinList q, p;
While (q - & gt; Next& & J{
Q=q - & gt; next;
if(! (q - & gt; Next) | | j> I - 1)
return ERROR;
P=q - & gt; next;
Q - & gt; Next=p - & gt; next;
Free (p);
return OK;

The Status ShowList (LinList L)
LinList q;
Int k=0;
Q=L - & gt; next;
While (q)
If (k==1)
coutQ=q - & gt; next;
If (k==0)
return ERROR;
The else
coutreturn OK;

Void CreateList (LinList * L, int n)
LinList q;
int i;
(* L)=(LinList) malloc (sizeof (Lnode));
(* L) - & gt; Next=NULL;
for(i=0; i{
Q=(LinList) malloc (sizeof (Lnode));
cin> Q - & gt; The date;
Q - & gt; Next=(* L) - & gt; next;
(* L) - & gt; Next=q;

Int main ()
Int n, m, I, the Date, t, e;
Char STR [30].
cin> n;
LinList L;
CreateList (& amp; L, n);
cin> m;
While (m -)
cin> str;
If (STRCMP (STR, "get")==0)
cin> i;
The Date=Getdate (L, I);

If (Date)
coutThe else
cout<" Get the fail "& lt; }
Else if (STRCMP (STR, "delete")==0)
cin> i;
T=DeleteLin (L, I);
If (t)
cout<" The delete OK "& lt; The else
cout<" Delete the fail "& lt; }
Else if (STRCMP (STR, "show")==0)
T=ShowList (L);
if(! T)
cout<" The Link list is empty "& lt; }
Else if (STRCMP (STR, "insert")==0)
cin> I> e;
T=InsertLin (L, I, e);
If (t)
cout<" Insert OK "& lt; The else
cout<" Insert the fail "& lt; }

CodePudding user response:

WARNING!!!!!! the following content is unknown, the consequence is proud, do not look down left
This is irrigation machine test post? Where to copy code from, as well as the code, since it is using the standard library. H file, so the first sentence
 # include 

 # include 

C + + builder XE definition _USE_OLD_STL macro cannot compile, oldstl abandoned, all STL has turned towards dinkumware STL, reference Embarcadero QC# : 91178
Stamp? http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx? D=91178
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