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For help, excuse me this why didn't achieve the goal of want? (to enter two polynomial and summ


The header file
Struct Node;
Struct PN;
Typedef struct Node Node;
Typedef struct PN ElemType;
Typedef struct Node * Polynomial;
Typedef struct Node * List;//the List L==Node * p;
Typedef Node * Position;
Int Is (ElemType a, ElemType b);
Int IsEmpty (List L);
Int IsLast (Position p, the List L);
Position the Find (ElemType X, the List L);
Void the Delete (ElemType X, the List L);
Void Insert (ElemType X, the List L, the Position P);
The List InitList ();
ElemType InitPN ();
Polynomial CreatePolynomial (int n);
Polynomial AddPolynomial (Polynomial Pa, Polynomial Pb);
Void PrintPN Polynomial (PN);

# include "List. H"

Int main ()
Polynomial Pa, Pb, Pc;

Pa=CreatePolynomial (5);

Pb=CreatePolynomial (6);

Pc=AddPolynomial (Pa, Pb);

PrintPN (Pc);

return 0;

Struct PN
Double coef.
Int expn;

Struct Node
ElemType data;
struct LNode *next;

Int IsEmpty (List L)//test List L is empty table
The return of L - & gt; Next==NULL;

Int IsLast (Position p, the List L)//whether this element is the last element in the table
The return p - & gt; Next==NULL;

Position the Find (ElemType X, the List L)
The Position of P;

For (P=L; P; P=P - & gt; Next)
If (Is (P - & gt; Data, X))
Printf (" Find it!" );
If (P=NULL) printf (" Can 't Find!" );

Return the P;

Int Is ElemType a, ElemType (b)
Int bool=0;
If (a.c oef==biggest oef & amp; & A.e XPN==b.e XPN)
The else bool=0;

Return a bool.

Void the Delete (ElemType X, the List L)
The Position of P, TmpCell;

P=Find (X, L);

If (P!=NULL)

P=P - & gt; next;

Free (TmpCell);

Void Insert (ElemType X, the List L, the Position P)
The Position TmpCell;

TmpCell=malloc (sizeof (struct Node));

If (TmpCell==NULL)
Printf (" Out of Space ");

TmpCell - & gt; Next=P - & gt; next;
P - & gt; Next=TmpCell;
}//make sure TmpCell not NULL

The List InitList ()
The List of L;

L=malloc sizeof (struct Node));

L - & gt; Data=(https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/InitPN);

L - & gt; Next=NULL;


ElemType InitPN ()
ElemType PN;
PN. Coef=0;
PN. Expn=0;

The return PN;

Struct PN CreatPN ()
ElemType PN;

The scanf (" please input coefficient, number: lf % % d ", & amp; PN. Coef, & amp; PN. Expn);

The return PN;

Polynomial CreatePolynomial (int n)
The List of L=InitList ();
The Position of P=L;

For (int I=1; I & lt;=n; I++)
The Position s=malloc (sizeof (struct Node));
The scanf (" please input coefficient, number: lf % % d ", & amp; S - & gt; Data. Coef, & amp; S - & gt; Data. The expn);
The Position of the pre=P, q=P - & gt; next;

While (q & amp; & Q - & gt; Data. The expn & lt; S - & gt; Data. Expn)
The pre=q;
Q=q - & gt; next;
S - & gt; Next=q;
The pre - & gt; Next=s;


return L;

Polynomial AddPolynomial (Polynomial Pa, Polynomial Pb)
The Position p1=Pa - & gt; Next, the p2=Pb - & gt; Next;
The Position of p3=Pa;

While (p1 & amp; & P2)
If (p1 - & gt; Data. The expn==p2 - & gt; Data. Expn)
Double sum=p1 - & gt; Data. Coef + p2 - & gt; Data. The expn;

If (sum!=0)
P1 - & gt; Data. Coef=sum;
P3 - & gt; Next=p;
The Position r=p2;
The p2=p2 - & gt; next;
Free (r);
The else
The Position r1=p1, r2=p2;
P1=p1 - & gt; next;
The p2=p2 - & gt; next;
Free (r1);
Free (r2).

Else if (p1 - & gt; Data. The expn & lt; The p2 - & gt; Data. Expn)
P3 - & gt; Next=p;
P1=p1 - & gt; next;
The else
P3 - & gt; Next=p2;
The p2=p2 - & gt; next;
If (p1==NULL)
P3 - & gt; Next=p2;
The else
P3 - & gt; Next=p;

Free (Pb);

Return (Pa);

Void PrintPN Polynomial (PN)
Int CNT=1;
For (the Position p; p; P=p - & gt; Next)
Printf (" % fX ^ % d + ", the PN - & gt; Data. Coef, PN - & gt; Data. The expn);
If (CNT % 5==0)
Printf (" \ n ");
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