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Matplotlib scatter plot automatically duplicate datetime xticks


In my dataframe I have, for each day, the mean value of cardiac frequency during the day and during the night that I previously calculated. The problem is that when I try to do a scatter plot, the values on the x axis get duplicated.

So this is my df.

       date     FC_mean_day    FC_mean_night
0   2022-12-28    79.43             74.11
1   2022-12-29    74.25             75.00
2   2022-12-30    75.75             74.40
3   2022-12-31    70.91             72.90
4   2023-01-01    68.43             73.00

date             datetime64\[ns\]
FC_mean_day             float64
FC_mean_night           float64
dtype: object

And this is what I have done to generate the scatter plot

fig,ax = plt.subplots()

plt.scatter(df5.date, df5.FC_mean_night, color= 'blue', label = 'Notte(22-06)', alpha=1, )
plt.scatter(df5.date, df5.FC_mean_day, color= 'yellow', label = 'Giorno(06-22)', alpha=1,)

my_format = mdates.DateFormatter('%d/%m/%y')

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (3,4)
plt.title("Media della Frequenza Cardiaca")
plt.xticks(rotation = 90)
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1,0.5))
ax.yaxis.grid(color='grey', linestyle = 'dashed')


And this is what it generates

enter image description here

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