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Pandas Dataframe bad formating


I am trying to display a pandas DataFrame in tkinter python and all of the columns are misaligned.

First this function takes these 4 columns from my log table and converts it into DataFrame

def show_log():
    df = pandas.read_sql("SELECT id, user_id, book_id, action FROM library.log LIMIT 10", con=mydb)
    blankIndex = [''] * len(df)
    df.index = blankIndex
    return df

Then this function creates a tkinter label with the dataframe

   def show_log(self):
        self.label_show_log = tk.Label(self.master, text=fu.show_log(), borderwidth=2, relief="groove")

This is the tkinter output I get - and it's ugly:

This is the tkinter output I get - and it's ugly

I want to make all of the columns and the data evenly aligned! Thank you for any help! :)

CodePudding user response:

I use pandastable to display dataframes in tkinter

Install: pip install pandastable


import pandas as pd
from pandastable import Table

#Create DataFrame class
class DataFrameTable(Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent=None, df=pd.DataFrame()):
        self.parent = parent
        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) 
        self.table = Table(
            self, dataframe=df,

#Tkinter window
root = Tk()
#Show Table
DataFrameTable(root, your_dataframe)

CodePudding user response:

One solution is to use the tabulate library, which can format a pandas DataFrame as a table with specified alignment and padding. You can install it by running pip install tabulate. Then, modify your show_log function to the following:

def show_log(self):
    df = fu.show_log()
    table = tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='grid', showindex=False)
    self.label_show_log = tk.Label(self.master, text=table, borderwidth=2, relief="groove")

This will display the DataFrame as a table with columns and data aligned.

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