Home > Back-end >  For help on reference 303. Always wrong reqtable. Remove (temp); No comments can be run. But the can
For help on reference 303. Always wrong reqtable. Remove (temp); No comments can be run. But the can


using namespace std;

# define the random (x) (rand () % x)

//page table entries structure
Typedef struct _pagetableitem
Int pagenum;//page number
Int blocknum; No.//block
} pgtabitem;//page table
Typedef pgtabitem * pagetable;
//request table structure
Typedef struct _reqtable
Unsigned pid; No.//process
Unsigned reqpagenum;//request page number
Pagetable pgtabadr;//page table starting address
Bool state;//state
} reqtabitem;

List Reqtable;

Unsigned pagenum=random (80) + 21;//memory page number 21-100
Unsigned pagesize=random (16) + 5;//page size 5-20
Unsigned pnum=random (4) + 5;//process the number of 5-8
Int * mempage=new int (pagenum);//integer array was used to simulate the memory page number

/* * initializes the memory page/
Void Init_Mempage (void)
int i=0;
for(i=0; iMempage [I]=0;//an array of all assigned initial

/get the memory usage */*
Int Get_Mempagenum (void)
int sum=0;
for(int i=0; iIf (mempage [I]==0)
Return the sum.//determine how much memory page is already in use

/* initialize the default request table */
Void Init_Reqtable (void)

int i;
for(i=1; i<=int (pnum); I++)
Reqtabitem preq;
Preq. Pid=I;
Preq. Reqpagenum=random (4) + 2;//process request page size to 5
Preq. State=false;
Preq. Pgtabadr=NULL;
Reqtable. Push_back (preq);//in turn pressure into the container

/* allocates memory for the default process */
Void Init_DistMem (void)
Int reqpnum;//process request page number
int i;

List : : iterator pos=reqtable. The begin ();

For (; Pos!=reqtable. End (); Pos++)
Pos reqpnum=(*). Reqpagenum;
If (reqpnum> Int (Get_Mempagenum ()))//whether the number of memory page request is greater than the rest of the
Cout<& lt;" Not enough memory!" Cout}
The else
Pos (*). The state=true;
Pagetable temp=new pgtabitem [reqpnum];//the new temporary page table entries array
If (temp==NULL)
Cout<& lt;" Memory allocation failure!" The exit (0);
Pos (*). Pgtabadr=temp;
for(i=0; i{
\ [I] pagenum=I;//page table page number

Int randnum=random (pagenum) + 1;//randomly generated a block number
While (mempage [randnum]==1)//looking for unused physical block
Randnum=random (pagenum) + 1;
\ [I] blocknum=randnum;//page table block number
Mempage [randnum]=1;

/* manually create process and allocate memory */
Void Dist_Mem (void)
int i;
Reqtabitem preq;//the newly created process record
Int pid; No.//process
Int reqpnum;//request page number
Bool flag=false;

Do {
Cout<& lt;" Please enter the process number: ";
Cin> Pid;
For (list : : iterator pos=reqtable. The begin (); Pos!=reqtable. End (); Pos++)
If (pos (*). Pid==pid)
Cout<& lt;" The process number already exists, please input again "& lt; Coutbreak;
} while (flag==true);//loop until input Pid met condition
Preq. Pid=pid;
Cout<& lt;" Please input to the number of pages: ";
Cin> Reqpnum;
Preq. Reqpagenum=reqpnum;
Preq. State=false;
Preq. Pgtabadr=NULL;

Reqpnum=preq. Reqpagenum;
If (reqpnum> Get_Mempagenum ())
Cout<& lt;" Not enough memory, process creation failed!" Cout}
The else
Preq. State=true;
Pagetable temp=new pgtabitem [reqpnum];
If (temp==NULL)
Cout<& lt;" Memory allocation failure!" The exit (0);
Preq. Pgtabadr=temp;
for(i=0; i{
\ [I] pagenum=I;//page table page number

Int randnum=random (pagenum) + 1;//randomly generated a block number
While (mempage [randnum]==1)
Randnum=random (pagenum) + 1;
\ [I] blocknum=randnum;//page table block number
Mempage [randnum]=1;
Reqtable. Push_back (preq);//to add the record of the process to request table

/* program at the end of the release of application of dynamic memory */
Void Destroy (void)
List : : iterator pos=reqtable. The begin ();
For (pos=reqtable. The begin (); Pos!=reqtable. End (); Pos++)
If (pos (*). State==true)
Delete [] (* (pos). Pgtabadr;
Reqtable. The clear ();

/* print process request table */
Void PrintReqtable (void)

CoutCout<& lt;" | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Request table | | process "& lt; Cout<& lt;" | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | "& lt; Cout<& lt;" | "& lt; """Cout<& lt;" | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | "& lt; List : : iterator pos=reqtable. The begin ();
For (pos=reqtable. The begin (); Pos!=reqtable. End (); Pos++)

Cout<& lt;" | "& lt;
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