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Novice: freshman pure self-study questions about MFC and file read?


File haven't learned to read and MFC, but it is the requirement of the problem, can you tell me how to implement?
Some people say that easily, can specific to write out the code,,,

Bank account management
Their quest to establish a bank account information stored in a binary file, each user requirements preserved account in the account information, user id number, user name, user address, account balance and so on, complete the following functions:
1) accounts: input new account;
2) check account, based on the input account query the user and the account balance;
3) modify the account information, and require the user to input account, according to user needs to be modified in addition to the account of the rest of the information;
4) delete the account: according to the input account find want to delete the account information, account will be deleted after confirm the information;
5) using MFC graphical interface,
Basic requirements: to complete the account opening an account, query, delete, and account information of the permanent operation, such as
Upgrade function, can consider to add the following functions on the basic function
The passbook,
Tip: procedure defined in the user account class
The class account {
Char accountid [10].
Char customerid [30].
Char name [20].
Char address [30].
Float balance;
Store user account information of each data type in the binary file should be class account, can consider the file first before operating the user account information in the reading and build into a linked list, and then query, delete, and so on operation, can save time to read and write files; When the new account information of the input, modify the account information, update the content of the corresponding files at the same time;
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