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Find a webbrowser example, Delphi, who will help me to translate a word


Examples of Delphi, is read MemoryStream webbroswer components inside the contents of the example, it will not use, please know help translated in BCB,
Ms is TMemoryStream * ms;
(WebBrowser. Document as IPersistStreamInit). The Load (TStreamAdapter. Create (ms));

CodePudding user response:

Should be the example

OleCheck (WebBrowser - & gt; The Document - & gt; QueryInterface (__uuidof (IPersistStreamInit), (void * *) & amp; Psi));
OleCheck (psi - & gt; Load (Stream));

CodePudding user response:

Is not this, but you can reference, dongdong, I pasted the code,
 procedure WBLoadHTML (WebBrowser: TWebBrowser; HTMLCode: string); 
Sl: TStringList;
Ms: TMemoryStream;
The begin
The WebBrowser. Navigate (' the about: blank);
While the WebBrowser. ReadyState & lt; READYSTATE_INTERACTIVE do
Application. ProcessMessages;

If Assigned (WebBrowser. Document) then
The begin
Sl:=TStringList. Create;
Ms:=TMemoryStream. Create;
Sl. Text:=HTMLCode;
Sl. SaveToStream (ms);
Ms. Seek (0, 0);
(WebBrowser. Document as IPersistStreamInit). The Load (TStreamAdapter. Create (ms));
The finally
Ms. The Free;
The finally
Sl. Free;

Procedure TForm1. FormCreate (Sender: TObject);
SHTML: string;
The begin
SHTML:='& lt; A href="http://delphi.about.com" & gt; GOTO + '
'& lt; B> The About Delphi Programming ';
WBLoadHTML (WebBrowser1 sHTML);
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

CodePudding user response:

Required rabbit rabbit, broken and scattered, Thailand's resistance.

Google "site:csdn.net ccrun IPersistStreamInit IHTMLDocument2"
Have a pleasant surprise.

CodePudding user response:

Read the two demon elder brother post, routine code to run successfully, but and I said, in fact, I just want to know how that displays the contents of a memory inside this bit of code, and the CPPweb... And that what difference?