the scanfThen I am a beginner, can help have a look at chain stack, by the way of any two nodes exchange where that part of the program went wrong
Thanks for elder people
The code is as follows: # include
//# define the SIZE of 100
Typedef struct NODE//define the type of NODE structure
int data;//data domain
Struct NODE * Next;//pointer field
Typedef struct Stack//define chain Stack
PNODE top;//the stack pointer
PNODE base;//the bottom of the stack pointer
Int stack_size;//stack size
Typedef struct stack stack//define order
Int * top;//the stack pointer
Int * base;//the bottom of the stack pointer
Int SQ_size;//stack size
} stack, * pstack;
Int init_stack PSTACK (p);//initialize
Int Push_stack (PSTACK p, int push);//into the stack
Int full_stack PSTACK (p);//whether the stack is full
Int Pop_stack (PSTACK p);//the stack
Int travel_stack PSTACK (p);//traversal stack element
Int insert_stack PSTACK (p);//input data behind any node
Int delete_stack PSTACK (p);//delete any node
Int adjust_stack (PSTACK p, int, int t);//adjust the position of any two nodes data domain
Int length (PSTACK ps);//for the number of stack elements
Int main ()
Int pop;
STACK link_stack;
Init_stack (& amp; Link_stack);//stack initialization
Push_stack (& amp; Link_stack, 5);//insert data
Push_stack (& amp; Link_stack, 28);
Push_stack (& amp; Link_stack, 45);
Push_stack (& amp; Link_stack, 52);
Push_stack (& amp; Link_stack, 11);
Travel_stack (& amp; Link_stack);
Insert_stack (& amp; Link_stack);//insert the data it anywhere
Travel_stack (& amp; Link_stack);
Delete_stack (& amp; Link_stack);
Travel_stack (& amp; Link_stack);
//adjust_stack (& amp; Link_stack, 2, 3);
//travel_stack (& amp; Link_stack);
Int init_stack initialization (PSTACK p)//
P - & gt; Base=(PNODE) malloc (sizeof (NODE));//the application space to create a head node, address to p - & gt; Base
if(p-> The base==NULL)
Printf (" \ n application stack failure ");
The exit (1);
The else
P - & gt; Base - & gt; Next=NULL;
P - & gt; Top=p - & gt; The base;
P - & gt; Stack_size==NULL;
Printf (" stack initialization successful \ n ");
return 1;//initialization complete
Int Push_stack (PSTACK p, int push)
PNODE p_new;
P_new=(PNODE) malloc (sizeof (NODE));//the application space create node
P_new - & gt; data=;
P_new - & gt; Next=p - & gt; Top;
P - & gt; Top=p_new;
P - & gt; Stack_size + +;
Printf (" % d into the stack success \ n ", p_new - & gt; The data);
return ;
Int Pop_stack (PSTACK p, int * pop)//a stack
If (empty_stack (& amp; P)==1)
return 0;//the stack table is empty, no element of the stack
The else
* pop=p - & gt; Top - & gt; The data;
P - & gt; Top=p - & gt; Top - & gt; Next;
P - & gt; Stack_size -;
Printf (" % d stack \ n "success, * pop);
Printf (" the stack table with % d element \ n ", p - & gt; Top - p - & gt; Base);//????????
return 1;
Int travel_stack PSTACK (p)//traversal stack chain
If (empty_stack (& amp; P)==1)
return 0;//the stack table is empty
The else
Q=p - & gt; Top;
While (q!=p - & gt; Base)
Printf (" % d ", q - & gt; The data);
Q=q - & gt; Next;
Int empty_stack PSTACK (p)//whether the stack is empty
if(p-> Top - p - & gt; The base==0)
Printf (" stack is empty \ n ");
return 1;//said stack empty
The else
return 0;//said stack is not empty
Int full_stack PSTACK (p)//whether the stack is full
if(p-> Top - p - & gt; The base==p - & gt; Stack_size)
Printf (" the stack is full \ n ");
return 1;//said the stack is full
The else
return 0;//said stack under
Int insert_stack PSTACK (p)//insert the data at any position
Int I, val.
int temp;
PNODE q;//secondary node
PNODE pnew;
Printf (" please enter the location and data to be inserted: ");
The scanf (" % d, % d \ n ", & amp; I, & amp; Val);//enter the location of the need to insert
Q=p - & gt; Top;
For (temp=0; Temp{
Q=q - & gt; Next;
Pnew=(PNODE) malloc (sizeof (NODE));//the application space for the new node
Pnew - & gt; data=;
Pnew - & gt; Next=q - & gt; Next;
Q - & gt; Next=pnew;
return 1;
Int delete_stack PSTACK (p)//delete any node
int i;
Int t, del;
Int len=length (& amp; P);//for the number of stack elements
R=p - & gt; Top;
Printf (" please enter the need to delete the node: ");
The scanf (" % d \ n ", & amp; I);
If (I==1)
R=p - & gt; Top;
Del=r - & gt; The data;
P - & gt; Top=r - & gt; Next;
Free (r);
Printf (" deleted value is: % d \ n ", del);
If (I.
For (t=0; T{
R=r - & gt; Next;
Q=r - & gt; Next;
Del=q - & gt; The data;
R - & gt; Next=q - & gt; Next;
Free (q);
Printf (" deleted value is: % d \ n ", del);
return 1;//delete success
Int adjust_stack PSTACK p, int, int (t)//exchange data
PNODE q=p - & gt; Top;
PNODE r=p - & gt; Top;
//swap the position of the
Int j, k, temp.//swap places the value of the data domain
Int len=length (& amp; P); The number of elements in the stack//o
for(j=0; j